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Explore YOU, US and NOW.

Birth chart Reading

Who Am I?

1.5 hours  /   $125

Unique. Beautiful. Evolution. Becoming.


You and I sit together in the virtual stars and deep dive YOU.

I will create your natal chart with all of the planetary positions at your exact moment of birth.

From here, I will share a detailed report on your energies -

We will look at your elemental balance (fire, air, earth and water)

Where your energies are focused (signs and house placements)

Your past and early life (south node)

Your potential and evolutionary journey (north node)

Your strengths and skills

Your challenges and blocks

A leap into the future from now to six months to look at what transits are taking place and what they may symbolise for you.


Each reading has two parts:

A pdf natal chart analysis.

A 1 hour live zoom call that will be recorded and sent to you post chat.


This reading is ideal if you're new to astrology or would like a deeper understanding of who you are.

Our chat will be 100% confidential and you are safe to talk about your life - I've got you (at least for an hour).


For this reading, I will need:

Date of birth

Exact time of birth

Place of birth (Example Atlanta, Georgia, USA)


Gold Liquid

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Relationship Reading

The Story of US

2  hours /   $160

Connection. Cooperation. Trust. Intimacy. Mirroring.


Here we focus on you and 'another'. This person could be a romantic partner, a parent, a sibling or a long-term friend. When we explore a relationship, we move past the 'I' and onto the 'WE'. In the embrace of a relationship we see ourselves reflected - our desires, our values, our ability to communicate, to feel loved, to be understood, to challenge and to grow together.


I will create your natal chart with all of the planetary positions at your exact moment of birth and the natal chart of the second person.

From here, I will share a detailed report on your individual energies and how they combine -

We will look at each person's elemental balance (fire, air, earth and water) to see where you 'compliment' or 'challenge'.

Where your energies are (signs and house placements) in your individual charts and where the planets fall in each other's charts (synastry overlays/interspects). This will tell us how you affect each other (sexual, romantic, supportive, opposing, calm, passionate). 

We'll look at where you work well together, where you might need some adjustment, how to boost each other's love and soul potential and where you shine together.

We'll use the sun/moon midpoints as an indicator of connection and major events between you.

We'll look at the vertex (fate) and how your angles (MC, IC, Asc and Dsc) interact.


Using your natal charts, we will create a third chart called a composite chart. This one is based on the individual chart midpoints and illustrates how you are within the relationship (your combined energies expressed as a couple or unit).


From this chart we will explore:

Your past (south node) - where you have a shared past or what relationship skills you bring in as a unit 

Your potential and evolutionary journey (north node) - the potential of the relationship


A leap into the future from now to six months to look at what transits are taking place and what they may symbolise for you both.


Each reading has three parts:

A pdf natal synastry chart (two charts superimposed on the other) analysis.

A pdf composite chart analysis.

A 1 hour live zoom call that will be recorded and sent to you post chat.


This reading is ideal if you are experiencing challenges in a relationship and would like to understand why they are present and how you can resolve them, to know the other person better, to strengthen an existing relationship or to see if someone you are interested in/dating is compatible.


Our chat will be 100% confidential and you are safe to talk about your life - I've got you (at least for an hour).


For this reading, I will need:

Date of birth of both people

Exact time of birth for both people

Place of birth for both people (Example Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

Gold Liquid

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yearly Transit Reading


1 hour  /   $150

Change. Progression. Preparation. Cross Roads.


The only constant is change. All is in flux. Our power is in the knowledge of what is coming, so that we can prepare to move into tomorrow.


For this reading it is necessary to create your natal chart with all of the planetary positions at your exact moment of birth. Transits will be superimposed onto your chart so that we can see what transits have been happening in the recent past and how they will progress. I will share a detailed report on your energies and the transits that are interacting with your planetary energies recently and over the next 12 months.


Each reading has two parts:

A pdf natal chart analysis with transits.

A 1 hour live zoom call that will be recorded and sent to you post chat.


This reading is ideal if you have noticed shifts in your life that are changing your emotions, thoughts, views, style, sense of self, relationships with others, your needs or desires. This reading is useful if times are challenging and you would like information to gain perspective and plan your next step. 


Our chat will be 100% confidential and you are safe to talk about your life - I've got you (at least for an hour).


For this reading, I will need:

Date of birth

Exact time of birth

Place of birth (Example Atlanta, Georgia, USA)


If there is a particular change, life-changing event or opportunity arising that you would like me to specifically look into, please let me know.


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