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Your timing is off & strangely magnetic - Full moon at 13 degrees, 18 mins Sagittarius, 4 June 2023

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Our first full moon of June is at 13 degrees, 18 minutes Sagittarius (sun at 13 degrees, 18 minutes Gemini, 04:41am GMT) and slams right into the 'Great Attractor'. The Great Attractor is a gravitational vortex in space that draws energy into it. So it makes this full moon somewhat dark and hypnotic, magnetically appealing and deliciously mysterious. I'm sensing a Plutonian atmosphere that is further expanded with transiting Pluto still squaring the nodal axis (Scorpio Vs Taurus). Could we find ourselves magnetically drawn to our evolutionary destination or will we tantrically dance in circles until we spin unto death?

Who can tell. One thing is for sure, the crossroads are laid out in front of us like the yellow brick road, and if you haven't worn your red slippers, welllll prepare to wave 'ba-ba bye' to Cansas...Toto and the comfortable life you've been living. If you want to read a little bit about Pluto square the nodal axis - then have a catch up HERE.

This heavy backdrop instills in us that soul development is part of the bigger picture. Our past and future are meeting in the middle and that means decision time (BUT NOT YET.)

Ok, so let's take a look at what is stirring the pot at this full moon.

At first glance it appears fairly lax, but wait - Saturn looms like the authoritarian that he is, wagging his finger and shouting 'Not the time.' He's in a square to this full moon in Pisces.

A slippery placement for him - Pisces has no boundaries and he feels naked without them.

You may wish to grab your sleeping bags at this crossroads. Nothing is certain, but nothing is moving. Perhaps Saturn's stern outer shell bellies his crumbling core. Pisces is the energy of dissolving, while Saturn prefers to crystallise. How can we create a firm foundation while Pisces is eroding what we manifest? Ask yourself what is blocking your path towards evolution and if the foundation you are laying is the one you really want.

But how does Saturn influence this full moon?

We have the moon in Sagittarius. This happy-go-lucky sign is expansive, representing higher consciousness, religion, culture, travel, knowledge and teaching. Saturn also relates to teaching - he's the taskmaster that works hard and achieves and the teacher of karmic lessons. If you haven't been doing the work, then Saturn is the painful butt kick. Sag is laid back, but willing to fire his bow if he sees a quest ahead and knowledge worth pursuing. At the end of the quest is the philosophical digestion that transpires into meaning. He has his own brand of truth - which he finds within the journey.

What journey have you been on that has given you a sense of meaning?

What have you expanded in your life? What have you learnt - and can teach others?

The sun in Gemini is our social fluttering butterfly, flapping wildly from flower to flower, getting heady on pollen (or gossip). Gemini is the information gatherer - he chats, researches, absorbs data with a curiosity that cats adore. He gathers outwards and pulls inwards to where Sag will assign truth and meaning. What is the point of travelling (the world/the mind) unless you seek to understand?

Gemini shows that the paths to truth are many and you need to seek through many a mind, book or website to appreciate it's multi-faceted-ness. Over-indulgence is likely, but growth can be the seeker's success for now if you can use those Saturn challenges to gain wisdom. As always, Sag remains optimistic. One journey leads unto another. Discomfort can still be adventurous.

Moon's ruler - What's he doing?

The ruler of the moon is Jupiter who is at 4 degrees Taurus, alongside the north node.

That's an activation! With the Saturn square - one that may not progress, but nevertheless, will be felt. If sag intuition is at play, then you might 'know' the path, but not be walking it just yet.

So we have Pluto squaring the nodes, the moon's ruler Jupiter conjunct the north node and Saturn squaring the full moon. We have a crossroads, an epiphany for the future and a dirty stop sign. It smacks of unfair. Your back is breaking (still carrying your sleeping bag and red slippers?). Don't give up hope. Saturn may very well melt in Pisces and Pluto lessons are death and rebirth. Spring will appear. Grab a book, cozy up and try not to be scared of the dark. Tap into your sag zone - and celebrate the expanding adventure!

Let's deep dive the themes of Sag and Gemini



Learning, study, knowledge

Seeker, journey, quest


Travel (long-distance) - physically, mentally, philosophically

Spirituality, culture, religion, belief systems

Law, legal system, morals

The akashic records, higher consciousness, mind expansion

Good fortune, joy, optimism

Intuition, knowing

The great outdoors, being in nature

Freedom, space, broad / birdseye view


Communication, thought processes

Information gathering

Social butterfly

Duality (the twins)


Look at where 11 - 16 degrees of the mutable signs (Sag - conjuction, Gemini - Opposition, Virgo and Pisces - Square) are to see what will be coming to culmination, fruition or ending.

Have you achieved certification in a course of study (10th house)?

Returned from travel (9th house)?

Been open-minded about your emotions (4th house)?

Do you need space in a relationship and the freedom to explore (7th house)?

Curious how the full moon will affect you, book a reading with us.


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