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Words like waves, drowning at sea - New moon at 26 degrees 43 mins Gemini, 18 June at 4:38 UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

This month's new moon is in Gemini at 26 degrees and 43 minutes on 18 June at 4:38 GMT. It's conjunct the asteroid Juno at 27 degrees with ruler Mercury is also in Gemini at 11 degrees, in a sextile to Venus in and Mars in Leo. It is squaring both Neptune in Pisces and the astroid Ceres in Virgo.

Gemini, being the yang side of Mercury is adept at chasing information and gathering it for a thoughtful day. This is the sign of restless data searching, of heated over-thinking and

of intellectual tête-à-tête. It's busy. It's word-trippy. It likes short journeys and can be a trickster.

So what can we expect with this symbolism?

Well, the conjunction with Juno can seed an important conversation. This may be about committed partnerships and marriage, or this might be with a committed partner. Either way, partnerships will be the theme. We may find ourselves talking more, writing more and thinking more about how we commit and what is important in a mate. We may be be invited to like a million social parties (heal whirling, urgh). We may be looking for a partner, or considering if the one we have is the one for the long-haul. We may be seriously thinking about the next step (moving in, marriage). With Saturn, planet of commitment and

longevity just turned stationary retrograde (day before), it's probably a good idea to keep those thoughts to ourselves and not make moves until we are certain of where we wish to go. Saturn RX is a time for deep contemplation on our long-term goals and for delaying pleasure until we can commit in every sense.

Saturn energy is duplicated with Pluto (Also RX) back at the 29th (anaretic degree)

of Capricorn (Saturn ruled) and so deliberation may breed frustration but trust me here,

the wait will make sense later on. That's not overly hopeful right now is it, when your

head is full of chatter and your feet can't keep still? With Saturn there is always a plan. Always. Usually a karmic one. Definitely a wise one. So ponder your options. There's time to hold. It's gonna be OK.

That square to Neptune is a hot mermaid. A flooding. A capsized ship. Words are like waves that crash and crash and crash, with the mermaid's siren a never-ending peel of high frequency that drowns the words out.


The mermaid gives us a message. She saves us from going under. The ship learns to float without a destination (and arrives at treasure island). The words flow with creative inspiration.

Neptune squares confuse the be-jesus out of us. So a hasty decision can lead to what was I thinking. With Neptune faith is needed. Follow your nose and let your intuition guide you. If you listen to your thoughts (and the words of others), you could find yourself misled. Neptune has a nasty habit of having us believe in the fantasy, only to end up disappointed when it fails to fit reality. I know feel that squares CAN be useful, if the disappointment allows for a re-working of goals (thinking of that Saturn RX). Moon square Neptune is a sob aspect, but if ye must cry, know that GOD has a plan (and it better be good!).

Gemini deep dive

Communication and how we communicate

Thinking and mental processing

The search and assimilation of information

The media / social media


Short journeys

The messenger and messages


Writing, reading


Nevous System (with Uranus)

See where 23 to 29 of the mutatble signs falls in your chart - Gemini (conjunction,

Pisces(square), Sagittarius (Opposition) and Virgo (square). This is

where you may be searching, thinking and communicating and also where

a comitted style partnership could look promising. If squaring your natal planets,

then over-thinking needs cooling. An opposition could indicate being inundated with

ideas, information and perhaps a heated debate with others.

Fancy a reading? Book a heart to heart.


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