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Witnessing the infinite - Full super moon at 5 degrees 9 mins Taurus, 28 October at 20:24 UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Taurus earth fixed inward feminine.

Before we jump into the Taurus full moon, let's summarise the last few weeks, as the

present energies tie in with what we can expect during this full moon.

The collective nodal axis (south and node node) are retrograde in Libra and Aries.

Both very instrumental in the New moon on 14th Oct, given the south node was close to the moon. So there was a theme of seeding a release in the sign on Libra, the outer nature of Venus. Themes for Venus are tri-fold around relationships, values and financials.

Full moon in Taurus at 5 degrees, 9 minutes, 20:24 GMT

And now we have a full moon in the sign of Taurus, which is the inner nature of Venus. The importance of this is that our outer relationships reflect the relationship we have with ourselves. Taurus then relates to self esteem, self-worth and self-love, our inner resources, what we build, our sense of security. Again, feeding into the exact same trinity of relationships, values and financials - relationship to self, our personal values and morals, our financial situation. This speaks of outer changes that are now impacting us internally.

If there have been changes in values, relationships or financials, do you feel your

inner state adjusting?

The beauty in Taurus is strength. When Taurus reinforces self worth and desires to utilise its skills in the physical world, it can be most patient, most stabalising and quite loving. the self sufficient nature of the bull can take care of its own security needs. Some may suggest that self sufficiency is an aim within all relationships that stalls the need to project onto another what one cannot do/be. Another positive is the area of value. If I understand my own value and what I bring, I can then recognise the same in another.

The sensory system is under Taurean rule, a highly sensual sign that is captivated by touch, taste, smell and sound. Imbuing Taurus with an eye for aesthetics, and a penchant from high-quality in all it admires. While this will draw Taurus to the pleasures of life, it's again important to point out the axis with Scorpio. Taurus is physical, material and Scorpio is emotional, spiritual. What is physical will die. What is spiritual will never die.

If we simply invest in material, we will witness its end.
If we invest in the spiritual, we will witness the infinite.

Taurus shadow

The bull is known to be pretty stubborn. It's a fixed sign and as such can stand its ground.

While patience and virtue are valued in a disciplinarian sense, they can install a need to evade any form of adaptability. There is much security in always standing where you are, but all things change and move for growth.

Sun opposite in Scorpio

The sun in the opposite sign of Scorpio, echoes the release energy from the New Moon.

Scorpio relates to death, transformation and elimination. Its presence signifys that

releasing/removing what no longer serves, allows space for growing more solid foundations (Taurus). Scorpio is power and control and the Sun denotes creative actualisation.

Used unwisely, we force, exert control and manipulate to gain our power. Real power doesn't require any force or control; it magnetises, attracts and draws energy towards it. In toritidal fashion, Scorpio eliminates, draws energy and transforms in continuous motion.

If we put the new moon on 14th and this full moon together, we see a release from outer patterns that leads to an inner security born from a transformation where something is gained and something is lost.

An example can be the loss of virginity and the gain of sexual maturity.

Or, the loss of celibacy and the gain of partnership.

The loss of a stagnant relationship and the gain of self sufficiency and self worth.

If we factor in power and control, we may feel that loss indicates a lack of power and

control. We must embrace the deepest of truths - the bottom line, as nero as Scorpio. We never really had any to begin with. There is a higher power at play and we are thus chess pieces, moved across an Earthly board.

Letting go of control builds the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
We allow ourselves to BE the divine.

Let's take a look at the chart

Jeffry Wolf Green refers to Pluto in the house of Taurus as 'the frog in the well'. This phrase speaks of Taurus's inability to move from a place of comfort to seek out new growth experiences. The well is safe. The well is known. But the world extends far beyond the well and Taurus must learn to embrace its polarity in order to transform.

The sun in Scorpio is that transformation. What Taurus builds from weak wood, Scorpio will destroy. What Taurus builds from strength, Scorpio will empower. Taurus must build from the inside, a consistent spirtual practice. Turn values into meaningful experiences. Taurus rules physical resources, but remember turning lead into gold is alchemy. Scorpio is the alchemist!

What else is happening at this full moon in Taurus

Ruler Venus in Virgo

Again, Venus rules the moon in Virgo.

Do you have your ducks lined up? Virgo Venus will take care of the small details.

You don't want something to trip you up. Beware of the Virgo need for purity to

hinder your becoming. We are all imperfect and must accept ourselves as we are, while

also bettering and fine-tuning to move towards perfection. The journey is the goal.

Conjunct Jupiter @ 11 Taurus

Jupiter is known to be consciousness expansion, joy, good fortune, happiness and long-distance travel. When it is close to any planet, it can expand that planet's energies, or in the worst case - exaggerate. With the moon, this can make for an heightened emotive ending or culmination. In an exact opposition to Mars in Scorpio though.... prepare for a final firestorm. Taurus being a stickler for committing will not let that hinder what needs to be done, but the whipping off of the plaster may very well reveal wounds unhealed.

Go strong, go deep and always true.

Opposite both Mercury @10 Scorpio and Mars @11 Scorpio

The sun is more empowered mentally and physically. If there is to be a loss, then

Mercury will be mentally cutting and sharp, the sun will strategise and focus, and Mars

will run through the firey pits of hell. There's no backing down. The choice has been made.

Ask yourself:

  • What have you been holding onto for too long, that now needs to be transformed?

  • Or, what have you held onto that is more powerful due to your possessive hold?

  • If you have your eye on a prize, but you're challenged about leaving your comfort zone, this triplicity in Scorpio is going to guide you with perseverance and courage. How can you explore this energy?

Some things to consider:

  • Take a look at where the fixed signs are in your chart, around 2 - 8 of Taurus (conjunction), Leo and Aquarius (square) and Scorpio (opposition).

  • Does this point aspect any planets?

  • Consider that road to betterment and how what has been released is now leading you towards a healthier you.

  • What are you building in your life that supports your internal and spiritual development?

  • Where can you turn 'lead' into 'gold'?

  • Comfort must make way for transformation to continue your evolution. What comfort are you willing to trade for evolutionary growth and meaning?

Alchemy is my specialty, message for a heart to heart to help you transform.


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