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Whose angry? - Full super moon at 6 degrees Aries 29 September at 10:57 am UK time

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Aries, yang, outward, masculine, fire.

A full supermoon in the sign of desire and freedom to act is rather explosive and demands

immediate action. As a supermoon it will be felt much more strongly with it being closer to earth. If you have been feeling somewhat sluggish or stuck, then a moon

in Aries is bound to snap you out of it and into 'doing' mode.

Aries naturally rules the first house in astrology. It begins a new phase, much like a baby.

Wants what it wants and wants it now. Aries is sudden, restless and unfiltered. At it's worse, it's anger so deep, that only violence will assuage the martian rage. And it's best face is fierce passion that burns like the brightest hottest fire, awakening each part of your body, mind and soul.

The opposition to the sun in Libra highlights the axis of I Vs us, independence Vs partnership, following my own feelings Vs considering the feelings of others. As an archetype Libra represents a need for balance and harmony. By default in acts in extremes, so the challenge is to marry the desires of self and other.

Blend into a cooperative.

As individuals we have needs and desires that originate from a subjective place. Aries allows for us to act on them in order to have what we want at any given time. It is the primal instinct to act, fight and survive. A moon in Aries may be much blunter and more direct about these wants and needs. If you have planets in Aries, then you will likely understand this. When the

desires and needs are not met, the response is frustration and anger. While acting out the desires, the energy will be passionate, bold and driven.

Aries also relates to our sexual desires and instincts. The masculine influence that fuels testosterone. Don't be surprised if you feel more sexually awake and passionate. And if you can't be sexually active, then Aries needs to channel the frustration through physical activity like running, tennis, dance or walking. Anything that gets the blood pumping.

However you might find that if the meeting of your desires involves another, then diplomatic relations will be key. Keep asking yourself what do I want AND what do they want. Where's the win win?

Now is a time for paying attention to our desires and of feeling the passion inside

of us. If frustration is present

  • Ask yourself what the block is?

  • Is it the opposition of another?

  • Is it caused by circumstance?

  • How can you cooperate in order to resolve the situation?

  • Can you discuss the desire together and gain a wider perspective?

  • Can you all work together towards activating the desire as a duo or group?

Deep dive on Aries

  • Action, now

  • Freedom, desire, want

  • Initiation, primal instinct, survival

  • Projection and persona of self

  • Fight, battle, war, warrior

  • Passion, anger, rage, aggression, frustration

  • Impatience, childishness

  • Strength, courage

  • Sharp objects, guns, accidents

  • Sexual desires and instincts

  • Blood, muscles, testosterone, adrenaline

Deep dive on Libra

  • Social relating - meeting a diversity of others

  • Relationships, partnerships

  • Cooperation, harmony, balance

  • Needs of others, understanding the viewpoints of others

  • Giving and listening

  • Vacillation, indecision

  • Diplomacy, justice, scales

What else is happening

The moon is in a tight opposition to Pallas Athena at 7 degrees Libra and a

Square to Vesta at 3 degrees Cancer. Two feminine asteroids - Pallas is strategic, a warrior and combines nicely with Aries. Vesta is the sacred flame that warms the hearth, more maternal and homely, especially in Cancer.

Is your security threatened by a need or desire for freedom in an area of your life?

Do you feel torn between the known comfort and the new desire? Again, with Libra in the mix, cooperation is needed.

You may be itching to travel, but still need a base for security.

You might be feeling that your relationship is stale, but it's what you have known

for so long, that the thought of a change is both exciting and de-stabilising.

You may wish for a new job, but worry that you will be the 'new guy or gal' and it

will time to fit in.

A sextile to Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn provides an opportunity to face fears that

have become crystallised and outworn (Capricorn). Capricorn relates to time, a limitation OR

a motivator. Time is a finite resource, and any delay just removes more and more time.

With Pluto, the change is intense, all-consuming and final. Are you ready to embark on the call of your instincts (Aries)? This is in addition to the long-standing Pluto square the nodal axis, which has been playing in the background for some time.

Venus in Leo (now direct) is conjunct the asteroid Juno (wife/committed partnerships), a symbol of enduring love, of commitment and fidelity. Let the heart lead. Leo likes to lead.

Look at where Aries is in your chart and any planets in the cardinal signs around 3 - 9 degrees of Aries (conjunction), Cancer and Sagittarius (square) and Libra (opposition).

Are your desires blocked? Where is cooperation needed with others to meet those desires?

If you're feeling overheated or frustrated, contact us for a heart to heart.


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