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The pressure to create for humanity - Full moon at 5 degrees 14 mins Leo, 25 Jan at 17:54 UK

Fire, Fixed, Masculine (energy outwards), Yang

Our first full moon of 2024 takes place at 5 degrees, 14 minutes of Leo.

Leos love to love. Generous with their attention. Passionate in their regard. Loyal too (much like all fixed signs). Yet the most potent thing about Leos is their ability to create.

Leo and its ruler the Sun are connected to self actualisation, purpose and inner vitality. They know that they can manifest with creativity. And while this over-confidence

is stimulating, it can give the impression that Leos are quite full of themselves.

A full moon in Leo serves as a culmination of a purposeful intention, now manifested.

Shadow side of Leo

Over-confidence, egoism, bossiness, self-centred, narcissistic approach are all Leo shadows. In addition, only the Leo can create - without your help thank you very much! They can be deluded into believing believing the hype and drama within them is their purpose, when really its a delusion of grandeur. We often call Leos the 'kings and queens' of the zodiac, it's as if they are born royalty, no matter their background.

Sun in Aquarius, opposite

The opposite sign to Leo is Aquarius. Both fixed and don't easily budge, but where Leo's focus is a-hem, himself, Aquarius is focused on humanity at large. Leo is subjective, while Aquarius is objective. Leo uses drama, Aquarius uses a social cause.

At a full moon, we learn about integrating opposing signs to equalise the archetypes. Leo's creativity is nothing without an inspired cause. Teamed with Aquarius, they create for humanity. This might be art for charities, a business for social betterment, being a biodiversity and climate change advocate. Whatever it is, that creativity must be harnessed for more that the 'I'. It needs to be for humanity.

Ruler Sun in opposition / Sun conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius

There's nothing like a bit of pressure to get things moving!

Pluto, newly in the sign of Aquarius is infusing the Sun with power, pressure and the ability to transform. This is a transformation of purpose, vitality and all qualities as per Leo. With the caveat that this power be purposed for - you guessed it - humanity!

Square Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter turned direct on 31st Dec 2023, consciously expanding in the sign of Taurus.

Let's remind ourselves that Taurus is the inner nature if Venus. This is the relationship and value of self. Self finances. Taurus is about limiting ourselves and living within our basic resources. Its about survival. Jupiter is expanding resources, yet this square to the full moon is a challenging one.

  • Perhaps our belief system is faulty and lacking?

  • Perhaps we cannot seem to connect with the truth of a given situation that requires us to create. If we can engage with the truth (energy is free for example), how can we create this in the physical world?

Quincunx Saturn at 5 degrees Pisces

This aspect suggests a need to adjust our long-term plans and ambitions to fit the Leo-Aquarius purpose. If you're set up on a track then you could prefer to give this a miss, but hold on - Saturn can really restrict us. Take some time for the bounty of

creativity to overwhelm you and then the choice kinda makes itself.

Let's look at the chart

Leo deep dive

  • Creative self actualisation

  • Vitality, centre of universe (self-absorbed)

  • Confidence, arrogance, spotlight-driven, performer, extrovert

  • King, queen, regal, diva

  • Requirement for admiration, praise and attention

  • Heart-centric, generous, warm, romantic

  • dramatic, proud, passionate, big gestures

  • leader, bossy, proud, brave

  • Gold

  • Rules the heart

What else is happening

North node conjunct Chiron

We spoke about this aspect in our previous post -

'Chiron refers to our deepest wound (based on the mythological story of Chiron the Centurion). The Aries wound is the wound of self, like you don't belong or shouldn't exist. It can also be the pain of not initiating and not

acting on your instincts! There is a need to heal this wound before we progress as a collective. This is a strong call to go inward and listen to our desires and drives, to notice where we may feel incomplete or have a lower sense of worth. Pay attention to the house in your chart that Chiron is transiting, for more understanding of where

the wound will be apparent.'

Uranus at 19 degrees Taurus is trining Mars at 15 degrees Capricorn

A bit more Uranian energy means more emphasis on humanity, social causes and communities. This is a flowing aspect. Uranus in Taurus can feel a bit stiff and restained and to be honest Capricorn can be pretty steadfast too with its plans. This aspect could result in innovative blending of a goal, or it could liberate us from judgements. Uranus and Mars are known for fights. With Chiron activated, a fight can be used for relief (Uranus plays fair and equal). Just know how far to take the fight if one begins. Remember - advancement and goals can come at a cost, if we fail to see the bigger picture.

For some reason I'm getting a vision of the test of the atomic bomb. Another way this aspect could materialise is impulsiveness. A strong impulse or desire for a swift change that meets a common goal.

Ask yourself

Take a look at where the fixed signs are in your chart, around 1 - 9 degrees of Leo (conjunction), Taurus and Scorpio (square) and Aquarius (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

  • Where do you feel a need to exert your influence on the world?

  • Where can you utilise your creativity to better humanity?

  • Is there a social cause that you can support with your creative talents?

Not sure how to turn your creativity into a humanitarian purpose? Contact us for a heart to heart


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