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Servant of Prometheus - New moon at 11 degrees, 04 mins Virgo on 03rd Sept at 01:56 BST

Prometheus has historically been heralded a symbol of the people. In Greek mythology

Titan Prometheus was asked by the Gods to create humans, but had no skill to give them.

Their fragility was welcoming for the Gods, who sought to overpower them. He forbade them fire for warmth, light and cooking.

Angry Prometheus stole the fire from the Olympian Gods and gave it to the community. For this devilish crime, his punishment was to be chained to a cliff. Each night a vulture would eat his liver. It would then grow back and the bird would eat it again, night after night.

In astrology Prometheus represents Uranus/Aquarius. The 'fire' being knowledge for the people to evolve intellectually. His gift to humanity was to seed a future vision. His name means 'Foresight' - a visionary that rebelled.

And at this point you're questioning the relevance of this story, given the new moon is in the sign of Virgo. That it is. Yet these ongoing Uranian aspects are co-inventing a future. So while Virgo is initiating, Uranus is using each new and full moon for a far bigger event: The age of Aquarius. And in this age, power is given to the people - the individual. So, while Saturn rules top-down structures, Uranus is all about bottom-up. We see each aspect and movement into Aquarius as our entry into this new age. With the new moon in Virgo at 11 (making it 11:11 with Sun); a master number in numerology and a message from the Universe.

Everyone knows that Virgos are out and out perfectionists. They long to be God-like by being pristine and exacting. They are the zodiac supporters, in service to others and defined by a mission much greater than simply themselves.

At this new moon we can expect an inner mission to stir - an energy of sifting and analysis, of using critical prodding to face all that requires re-working. As the sign of health, this is an excellent time to finally get that fitness routine on the go, to revise the weekly meal plan and prep the mind for the work required. This is 'tidy up' time, planning, fixing, sprucing up and laying the path towards betterment.

Ruler Mercury in Leo

With ruler Mercury in Leo (and newly out of retrograde), you may have spent the past three weeks mentally re-visiting your mind and your heart. Perhaps hatching a plan for a more heart-felt life. In my own narrative, I had a heart attack in February, moved country and re-visited my heart physically to see if it had recovered. It's good news, which is such a relief. The hard work on being healthy has paid off.

Take a look at where Mercury was retrograding in your chart (Virgo and Leo) for more insights.

Ruler Mercury square to Uranus at 27 degrees (RX) Taurus

The lower mind and higher mind go into battle. It's not going to be pretty - Mercury is cheeky and dexterous, while Uranus is intellectually-insightful and loves to shock. You may not be ready for surprising and shocking wake up calls, but in the long-run, it's better. Grab your crystal ball, the future is closer than you think.

Lets look at the chart

Deep dive Virgo

  • Thinking, analysing, detailed work

  • Discerning, aim for perfection, lack, inferiority, exacting, void

  • Critical, analysis, Dismantling and improving

  • Engineering, accountancy, work with our minds and hands, analytical work

  • Service, humbling, humility, giving to others

  • Meaninglessness, guilt, negative mental feedback

  • Health, nutrition, gut, microbiome, fitness, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

What else is happening?

All outer planets apart from Jupiter are in retrograde

The mind might be given fired up (Mercury in Leo square Uranus), but the lack of fire in the chart means not real oomph to activate anything. Retrograding planets are turned inward, illuminating inner beliefs, transformations and transcendence. Still, many plans begin in the mind.

Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn

Pluto hoovering at 29 degrees Capricorn reminds us that our conscious reality is subject to atomic change. Structures held up my sellotape are about to split apart. But rest assured that Uranus is awakening us to our power. The fire he stole is ours to share - in our community, our humanity.

Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces

Yet another planet sitting at 29 degrees. Elusive, illusionist Neptune has a dissolving effect in transit. At the peak degree and in its own sign, it is especially potent. Currently sextiling Pluto, it is helping to soften the impact of Capricorn structures failing.

During the full moon this month, Neptune takes on a stronger role as it conjuncts the full moon, so this is a building block. Will we finally see what's really going on?

Uranus sextile Neptune and trine to Pluto

Uranus is favourably aspecting Neptune and Pluto, destabilising in his usual misfit fixed way. Shocks and wobbles are inevitable, but if Uranus rocks us knowing the future, then he also knows we will not be destroyed - we will be renewed, reborn and revolted (Is that a word? Is now).

Mars in Gemini square Neptune at 29 Pisces

Our desires are in data. Snatching at conversations, reports, media bites, podcasts and social updates. The mind is exploding. This square to Neptune though suggests some caution in what to believe. Neptune can cast a rosy glow over anything and shape it into beauty. Even a beast. So just let that information settle and use Virgo to analyse the facts.

South node conjunct Venus and Juno in Libra

The transiting south node combo with Venus and Juno in Libra makes this an ideal time

for removing relationships that no longer serve. Deep-seated toxic attachments,

and partnerships without growth. You're questioning the relevancy. That's a good thing.

Ask yourself

  • What thoughts from the last three and a half weeks are opening up new

    opportunities, especially risky ones?

  • What in your life requires an overhaul to be better, more aligned and healthy?

  • Is your mind syncing with your heart now?

  • Where can you be of greater service in the world?

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 7 - 15 degrees of Virgo (conjunction), Gemini and Pisces (square) and Sag (opposition).

Need help with mapping your journey of service? Book a reading.


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