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Power plays, spiritual ways, hugs & fuck yous : New moon at 24 degrees, 56 mins Cancer, 17 July 2023

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

July is a thrilling month with Pluto chugging backwards in Capricorn at the golden 29 degrees. He hesitates there long enough to oppose this Cancerian new moon at 24 degrees and 56 minutes, zapping it with his usual shadow brand of power, obsession and penetration.

I'm sure he's laughing pretty hard right now - trapping the nodes within his dark path too. Strategic? Umm... doh!

But what does this mean for us, caught in a grand cardinal cross of ugly?

Pluto might be the lord of the underworld, lover of BDSM, king of taboo, governor of criminal activity, BUUTTTT he's also everything beneath the surface that is psychological and traumatising. His energy is to rid, to remove, to purge the crap. And who of us doesn't have a few bodies to burn? Pluto is the desire of your soul, the shit you cram down until the truth screams so loudly at you that you surrender it all to survive. Pluto always survives.

In Capricorn the crap is societal power, it's top down systems, it's conditioning, its ambition. What just isn't working, LET IT GO.

Here's the chart:

Before we continue, let's deep dive Cancer so the archetype is in our minds before looking at what else is happening.

  • Water, feminine, yin

  • Mother and mothering, childbirth and pregnancy

  • The caretaker, nurturing, attending to needs, self-care, hugging, safety

  • Empathy, intuition, sensitivity, soft, bonding, oxytoxin

  • Chest, breasts, stomach (watch for digestive issues, stomach ulcers, cancer - sorry, Pluto represents cancer, so best to check and be safe)

  • Moodiness, crabby, hiding in our shells, passive-aggressive, crying

  • Emotional connection and security, safety, cooking

  • Family, home, homeland, safe space, blankets, bed, roots, heritage

  • Heirlooms, nostalgia, sentimental things/thoughts

Cancer is fluffy. It's hugs and emotional closeness. It's nesting and cooking, and looking after others. It's pregnancy and children. It's the love of home.

When Cancer is active, call your mother/mother figure. Even better, go see her and give her a huge hug. Share a heartfelt story and a keepsake.

Focus on your care - take a bath, gather the family round and cook a nourishing meal. Laugh about your younger days.

Talk about your childhood. Try for a child. Spend more time with your kids - teach them how to make a simple meal.

If Pluto is activating old hurts and haunts then keep reading ....

What else is happening in the starry skies?

Yes, let's get to the good news.... Neptune is trining the new moon in Pisces and Uranus is sextile to the new moon in Taurus. The easy flow with Neptune signals the presence of GOD/Source/Universe/All that is. Connection. Spirit. A higher love. There's a knowingness here - a intuition that calls to us like a siren. Pluto says let go and Neptune says let GOD.

Trust. Faith.

Uranus in typical fashion provides some potential for offbeat thinking. Is there a new way to approach any problems? Take a new track. Explore the unconventional. Or do what I do - say 'fuck it' and dress in brightest colours. Uranus is good at that.

Pluto can trigger the shit that is pushed down. It's often shameful, sexual, emotional and traumatizing. We don't WANT to go there, but Pluto draws the dark stuff out. If you're regressing back to old hurts and haunts that see if Uranus or Neptune can lend a hand. Can you seek spiritual guidance (angels, soul animals, dreams, synchronicities, religion, time away) or can you tap into Uranus's higher mind and distance yourself enough to apply delayed logic. Can the hurt now make sense enough for you to clean the wound and let it heal?

We have a dual quincunx between Pluto and Venus and Neptune and Venus (Yod pattern/Finger of GOD). Astrologer Pam Gregory talks about this entire configuration being unconditional love, connection to source and powerful spirituality. Venus in Leo 'heart base' love connected to source. Awww, that almost makes the Pluto stuff manageable.

Venus in Leo is also going to go retrograde from 28 - 12 degrees Leo. Your heart is in focus and so are your values, your financials and your relationships.

As if that wasn't enough, the transiting nodal axis is changing from Taurus and Scorpio to Aries and Libra. With Venus going RX, the background theme of I Vs us, independence Vs relationship, what I want Vs what we want - is going to be very central for the next 18 months.

Look at where 21 - 27 degrees of the cardinals are in your chart and also where Pluto is looming in opposition. What is coming up from your past and how can you make peace with it? Cancer (conjunction), Capricorn (opposition), Libra/Aries (square).

Tissues all used up? Book a heart to heart.


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