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Perfectly imperfect - Full Moon at 7 degrees 25 mins Pisces 30-31 August 2023 at 1:36am UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

This month we are blessed with our third Supermoon lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces (30th at 6:35pm eastern and 31st at 1:36am GMT).

Pisces rules the 12th and final sign in the zodiac, our most natural end in the earthly plane,

leading us to the spirit world. And it is here in the unknown, physical-less realm that the Piscean energy of unconditional love, oneness and GOD are present.

Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house are a bafflement for astrologers as the energy is

less dense and defined. Much like water, the structure is created by the space it takes up

and Pisces as a representation of the collective unconscious expands as much as we do as individual containers. It is yearning. It is our ultimate meaning. It is our absolute ideal, which we may never reach. Yet we keep trying.

Those with an emphasized Pisces, Neptune and 12th house will be familiar with the unstructured, dreamy, emotive and creative side of Pisces. Pisces is like water - ever-flowing, elusive in shape and free in expression. It's mutability gives it the ability to shift and change at will, which the more Virgo or Capricorn types may find vexing.

If you are expecting to be exacting, focused and distant, forget it. Pisces expresses

with devotion, unconditional love, a depth of emotion that will have you weeping after a

night of surreal dreaming - or cruel nightmares. Pisces take us to the peak of compassion - where our empathy and sensitivity heals others. Ego isn't present in this archetype - it gives

to those most in need, saves the vulnerable and often sacrifices itself in the process.

An understanding of the nature of Pisces can be seen in Jesus. A miracle birth, the son of GOD. Walking on water, unconditional love for all, his ability to heal the sick and feed the hungry. The eventual deception, abuse and scapegoating, while suffering until death.

Pisces is the unknown and hidden world. Deception of others and within ourselves. With such emotion invested, Pisces is the sign linked to addiction and unhealthy substances like drugs and alcohol.

Pisces and Virgo

As with every full moon. We have the moon and sun 180 degrees opposite, lighting up an axis in our charts. This means the sun will be at 7 degrees of Virgo. The Pisces-Virgo axis relates to service, to health and healing and to others. Virgo as an Archetype is very much associated with service to others as it is a transitional sign where the ego is lowered to prepare for relationships.

Virgo asks us to consider where we are lacking or feel less, to analyse (Virgo's ruler is the outer, yang nature of Mercury) and to be discerning and critical. While Virgo is representative of health, it can of course be overly critical and nit-picky. This crisis point of determining a lack/or less feeling is essential for assessing ourselves and moving towards a state of self-improvement.

Jeffry Wolf Green (Founder of the EA Astrology School) discusses how the awareness of lack enforces introspection on what to do that leads to self-improvement. If I am aware of a lack or inadequacy, how will I reach my ultimate ideal? In short; how can I be BETTER?

So let's look at the positive linkages between Pisces and Virgo.

  • Lack to Ideal - Social media is rife with videos and images (Pisces) of what we yearn to be - thinner, more toned, more successful, more attractive, etc.) If we focus on the critical without moving to towards active improvement, then we are are the liberty of Piscean depression and Virgo's inferiority complex. Gain awareness (I want to be fitter) and carve out a plan of action to move towards that goal. Analyse your fitness routine and what you are eating. Research how to set a new routine with consistent exercise and better food choices. With Virgo I find that celebrating the little wins towards the goal are great ways to self motivate.

  • Service to others - caring for/helping others that require our skills (Virgo) and that are vulnerable or in need (Pisces). Consider where you are giving and how this giving aligns with your highest ideals. When we give, we also recieve. Our pleasure is a reflection of the pleasure we bring. Where can you give to others without expectation?

  • Health and healing - Taking the time to think about our daily tasks and rituals, and how they affect our health (especially the gut, microbiome) and how these rituals can move into a state of energy healing (Pisces). Where do you need to be more focused and productive and where do you need more emotional connection and to be present in the timelessness 'moment'?

  • Routine/Work - Virgo likes to be productive and efficient and Pisces likes to flow. Virgo does and Pisces is. This axis asks us to balance oursleves within our routines - ensuring we have both productive time and flowing time. Processes are fab for looking at the details (Remember that Virgo is linked to detail and taking things apart, so promising for accountants and engineers). What can you dissect, set a process for and clean up?

I have my Neptune in 12th house (the house it rules) in a square to Mars in Virgo in the 8th house. Challenging aspects between these two energies can be difficult to work with and I have learnt that my body, mind and soul are equal. They all need nourishment and time. I plan my daily routine with both productive activities (work, exercise, study) with flowing blocks (freestyle dance, creativity projects, mindful walking.) In this way I use Virgo to structure unstructured time and Pisces to flow in a useful way. Get it? ; 0 )

Deep dive into Pisces

  • Ultimate meaning, absolute ideal

  • The collective unconscious, the unknown, dreams, miracles, gaia, the universe

  • unconditional love, kindness, sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, compassion, caring, health

  • Connection to GOD, source of all things, spiritality, the divine, oneness, devotion, surrealism, creativity, deep emotions

  • Abuse, confusion, fog, lack of clarity, rose-tinted glasses

  • Disallusionments, illusions, overwhelm, disappointment, deception, guilt, lingering feelings, suffering, scapegoating

  • Motion pictures and film/media

  • Water, liquid, gas, alcohol, drugs, Pharmaceutical

  • Meditation, energy healing, psychological health (mental health)

  • Alone time, ashrams, monasteries, the hidden/hiding, longings, yearning, psychic, telepathy, no boundaries

  • The immune system, the etheric and astral body, seeing auras, he Pineal gland, the feet


  • Thinking, analysing, detailed work

  • Discerning, aim for perfection, lack, inferiority, exacting, void, virginal

  • Critical, analysis, dismantling and improving

  • Engineering, accountancy, work with our minds and hands, analytical work

  • Service to others, humbling, humility, ego drop, giving to others

  • Brain, stress, cortisol, fidgety, productiveness, efficiency

  • Health, nutrition, mind-body connection, gut, microbiome, fitness, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, hands

What else is happening

The ruler of Pisces (Neptune) is retrograde in Pisces, along with the ruler of Virgo (Mercury), which is in Virgo. This reinforces the archetypes of both signs.

We have five planets in mutable signs. Adaptability is strong, however this can mean that we have to focus harder of staying the course.

Saturn is in Pisces and conjunct this moon. Saturn has a tendency to add a note of seriousness and act the parent. It can restrict, suppress, deny and crystallize. It can commit, plan long-term and stand for conditioning and judgments). So choose carefully - can Saturn help you commit to more flow? Can you gain awareness of any conditioned patterns restricting flow (told you couldn't be creative, judged for your sensitivity). Saturn is cause and effect, which we refer to as karma. You reap what you sow. Be aware that this super moon could cause repressed emotions from old patterns to be released.

Look at where Pisces is in your chart and any planets in the mutable signs around 4 - 10 of Pisces (conjunction), Sagittarius and Gemini (square) and Virgo (opposition).

The house Pisces is in will align with your natural way of spiritualising (J.W Green).

Its' where you easily sacrifice, feel more emotional and confused (but also spiritually aware) and where you tend to go with the flow more. This area is where you seek your highest ideal, but where you can be most disappointed.

Fancy a heart to heart reading? Send me a message.


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