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Parenting the Inner Kid - Full moon at 4 degrees 58 mins Cancer on 27 December at 00:32am UK Time

Water, cardinal, feminine (energy inwards), ying

This month's final full moon of 2023 is in its own rulership sign of Cancer. The most pressing observation with a Cancer - Capricorn full moon is the 'parent-child' dynamic. So expect a sauter down childhood lane to visit your inner kid.

Cancer's association with the ego identity as formed during our childhood years,

immediately brings us into the sphere of nostalgia, past grips, security needs (met or unmet),

typical familial dynamics and the pressure to be part of 'clan'. The sun in Capricorn

serves as a timely reminder that the past is never really laid to rest and the purpose

with this full moon is to gain the wisdom to accept the past for what it was. Now is the time to look at who was created during childhood and decide if you like the 'YOU' that you are.


An insecure moon gravitates towards needy behaviour. What we don't have, we project onto others. So its always a good idea to need 'ourselves' starting off with self hugs.

No - they are far from sad. Try one. You're basically self-nuturing and self-providing.

The other shadow is defensiveness caused by over-protecting. Children don't have

natural barriers, adults do. You can choose to not engage, to speak different words (to

yourself and your family members), you have the power of age to see the bigger picture.

You can also walk away and consider things in your own space.

Let's look at the chart

  • Cancer deep dive

  • Ego-centric self - How I see myself

  • Inner security and foundation

  • Psycho-emotional

  • Home life / private life

  • Family of origin

  • Childhood home and experiences

  • Family karma

  • Emotional needs

  • How we nuture naturally

  • The stomach and breasts/chest

What else is happening

Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn

This is reinforced by Pluto now at 29 degrees (Aneretic/critical) of Capricorn.

Its kinda do or die. The do being to re-parent.

Trine Saturn at 2 degrees Pisces

Trine Saturn at 2 degrees Pisces is again another indicator that maturity, parenting,

wisdom and time are instumental in healing any deep-seated childhood traumas.

We may get a glimpse of some family karma to settle too. But relax, if it needs

dealing we, it needs dealing with.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury going backwards at the same time in Sagittarius is either going to have us

running from our triggers and memories or embracing an open mind towards them.

If you can humble yourself to opt for the latter, you will swiftly note that much of

the accrued judgement has come from YOU. That might sound a little harsh or difficult to bear. But what comes from you can be changed by you.

The sun, trine to Saturn and Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn are winds of change.

Feeling insecure - can you link it to anything in your early years?

Childhood shit re-haunting - deep deep (Pluto) and purge.

Sextile Jupiter at 5 degrees Taurus

And we have a sextile to Jupiter at 5 degrees Taurus, currently in retrograde.

Here lies an opportunity to re-visit our core beliefs and ground them. Taurus and Cancer

both relate to security with Taurus being more physical (financial, building, own resuces

to survive). Another benefit with time is that we build the resources to provide

our own security.

Neptune now direct trine Venus in Scorpio

Neptune is now direct (since 6th December) and will be trine to Venus in Scorpio.

If we consider Venus's rulership of relationships, values and finances, then we could see a Neptunian approach to any of these. An unexpected gift of money that does not require a repayment. Placing a parter on a pedastal or at least seeing them as fairly dreamy. Transcending our values. Perhaps in the spirit of Christmas. Doing more for others than for ourselves.

Take a look at where the cardinal signs are in your chart, around 0 - 8 degrees of Cancer (conjunction), Libra and Aries (square) and Capricorn (opposition).

This is where you may get caught up in past judgements and conditioned responses. A glimpse of your childhood could peek through and if so, it's high time you parented that inner child.


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