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Mr lover lover, ro ro mantic - New moon at 12 degrees Leo and 34 mins, on 4th August at 11:14 BST

Fire. Fixed. Masculine. Energy outwards. Yang.

In evolutionary astrology, Leo is known to be exceptionally talented (note the association with drama and dramatic arts) and the pinnacle of creative self-actualisation. In other words, Leos' confidently know they can create whatever they wish. In fact, they are super proud of that fact. Like their ruler the sun, they know how to shine bright and consider themselves

centre of their own worlds. Warm, big-hearted, natural leaders, loud and entertaining - Leos' know how to be larger than life.

As ruled by the Sun, Leo is linked to having a special destiny. Although taken to extremes this can result in illusions of grandeur. Still, a special destiny holds a sense of pride... an earthly mission purpose.

They demand compliments and feedback to constantly feel adored and cherished. Without it, the Leo loyalty can be compromised. Romantic dalliances, love affairs and children are all Leo, plus play, hobbies and fun. They do not. I repeat DO NOT like to 'adult'.

In many respects Leo IS a kid.... which is why they are so at ease entertaining the little ones. The connection to children is a natural one, given Leo's love of play and drama.

Shadow side of Leo

As a fixed, fire sign, Leo can be extravagant, over-the-top romantics, excessively proud, demanding of attention and quite childish. It isn't easy to secure absolute attention, and Leos are not known to await their moment (they own every moment), so no attention equals seek it elsewhere.

That constant need for the spotlight can overshadow quieter types and create a craving that is difficult to satisfy. Creator's block can be frustrating and Leos are not known to ask for help.

Leos consider themselves to be special. Taken to extremes, this can produce illusions that they are greater/better than they are. Leo is the top cat of arrogance with an over-inflated ego.

Natural born leaders, they can bark orders like a boss. Happy to lead everything and not allowing for a collaborative effort.Their subjective focus is far from logical and can appear a tad self-absorbed.

Ruler Sun in Leo

As Leo is ruled by the Sun, we have extra brightness at this new moon. The Sun fashions our purpose, vitality and brand of energy. Leo boosts confidence and will pursue a purpose with passion and presence.

Sextile nodal axis at 8 degrees Libra/Aries

Any moon aspecting the nodal axis will impact on our collective past-future (As experienced in the present). We had had a good few 'hits' to the nodal axis and it seems the story is still unfolding. With Aries and Libra, we are expressing I vs us, my needs vs our needs.

Sextile Jupiter at 15 degrees Gemini and Mars at 9 degrees Gemini

An opportunity to think and to speak openly about love, romance, children and acts of joy. With Gemini's social candor, this makes for excellent conversation that is both energising (Mars) and expansive (Jupiter).

Let's look at the chart

What else is happening

Venus at 29 degrees Leo

Our value systems, finances and partnerships are all warming up under the Leo heat... which is cranked up to the max, given Venus is at the anaretic degree. This is the fullest expression of Leo-Venus energy.

This vibe is more fun, flirty, romantic and silly. Beware of dating someone that isn't great at taking responsibility for their actions.

You might be valuing loving moments, romantic social events and lovemaking at this time.

Venus transit at 29 degrees Leo conjunct Mercury at 4 degrees Virgo and square Uranus transit at 26 degrees Taurus

With Mercury due to turn retrograde at this degree, the conjunction homes in on the importance (and requirement) for practical communication. We may already have a sense of what the topics are during Mercury pre shadow (love, romance, children), so now we are defining and preparing around these topics. Virgo will analyse all the data, so ensure you are well prepared!

Venus in Leo is romantic, strong-willed and demanding of love. While Uranus is liberating from materialistic security and dogmatic comforts. Uranus an't exactly known for being cuddly, cute or loved up. He prefers to shock, wow you with smarts and be about as wildly non-people-romance-partnered as poss. However, if individualistic space-age cosmic intelligence and playing never get is a winner... congratulations. On the plus side, there's excitement, unpredictability and exploring the new.... plus gadgets, tech toys and anything that requires electricity.

On a more serious note, this can make habitual relations boring and people restless to trial something or someone new. If you fancy some kink - here's your opportunity. If you are attracted to nerdy geniuses, happy days!

Mars at 9 degrees Gemini sextile North Node at 8 degrees Libra/Aries

Not only is Mars aspecting the new moon, the North and South nodes are also gaining some of the action. Mars stimulates and energieses, so expect conversations that challenge you to move forward (especially with Venus-Uranus happening at the same time).

Ask yourself

  • Where can you introduce more confidence, passion and leadership?

  • Does your love life need a surge of romance?

  • Are you feeling a bit bored and fancy experimenting within your partnerships?

  • What needs an injection of energising Mars?

Take a look at where the fixed signs are in your chart, around 9 -15 degrees of

Leo (conjunction), Scorpio and Taurus (square) and Leo (opposition).

Need help with locating your passion? Book a reading.


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