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Make art not war - New moon in Pisces at 20 degrees 16 mins on 10 March at 5am UK time

Updated: Mar 21

I'm keeping this post brief after a recent stint in hospital and still in recovery.

Pisces, as the final sign; is the energy that depicts 'endings'. In the neutral, it is the ultimate culmination of circumstances that now require karmic closure. Positively, we can now rest from the cycles of suffering. Otherwise, we must pay what is due.

Pisces is the antithesis of war. Peace, free love, unconditional love, compassion and acceptance for all that is. Pisces at its height is the fulfilling, meaningful, dreamt place where miracles happen, God is present and faith keeps us hopeful. A new moon in Pisces is good for reflection, meditation, silent prayer, gratefulness, kindness and forgiveness for others, doing for others without reward, follow intuition, heal hurts, self-compassion and dreaming beyond the physical.

The Shadow Side of Pisces

Pisces in difficult aspect will likely suffer in silence, give away their power, feel less/weak, feel misunderstood, sacrifice, play victim (or saviour), lose direction, lose faith, self-deceive (all is ok, when it isn't), lack a meaningful existence, be a doormat, place others on a pedestal and devote all to something or someone that is not worth the effort.

At a time of war, distress, displacement and political/environmental uncertainty, Pisces makes art and love. It's the 60s peace power.

Neptune and Saturn in Pisces

With Sun, Moon, Saturn and Neptune all in Pisces, the choices above have never held so much weight. Saturn can bring things into physical being, but we must devote all we have on faith, forgiveness and meaning in order to lessen the suffering and lost feelings.

Mars in Aquarius Square Uranus at 20 degrees Taurus

Unfortunately, this aspect is war. Mars fights with bravery and Uranus can suddenly flip. There might not be a warning. Both in fixed signs suggests neither side is budging. Aqua can be cool-headed, but also as distant as a galaxy with about as much invested emotion.

Ask Yourself

Peace or war - where will you devote?

What requires forgiveness in your life?

Where do you need to strengthen?

Are you being self-compassionate?

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 17 - 23 degrees of Pisces (conjunction), Saggitarius and Gemini (square) and Virgo (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

I'm stepping out of readings for a few weeks, but will resume soon.


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