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Jump! - New moon at 20 degrees 44 mins Capricorn on 11 January at 11:58 UK Time

Earth, cardinal, feminine (energy inwards), ying

Our first new moon of 2024 falls in the sign of Capricorn at 20 degrees and 44 mins.

Symbolised by the goat, Capricorn energy can hold for as long as it takes. This is a sign

that commits to a long-term goal (study, career, relationship) and mini or mighty challenges only make it dig its heels in further and push forward. Tenacious, practical and very serious.

The typical Capricorn takes life uber seriously, being both responsible and mature.

Conditioning is reflected in Capricorn - to bend to the pressure of society and parents.

Doing the job Daddy wants, or marrying someone of the same religion to please the parents. Speaking, dressing and acting in a way that is acceptable in the society you're living in. This pressure can lead to judgement. Judging the way a person is or the choices they make. In contrast to Uranus that accepts uniqueness and is excited by rebellion.

Capricorn naturally rules the 10th house of achievement and accolades. It likes to work hard and gain appreciation. Public awards and appearances and those growth spurts of a private nature are favoured.

Starting the year with a new Moon in Capricorn allows us to set goals and intentions nice and early. Maybe we are looking at a job prospect, a career change, a long period of study or marriage. This is an ideal time to commit to a course of action and see it through. It's time to get serious and assess from a practical viewpoint - consider the outcomes and end goals. When you know what you want, you can line things up piece by piece. Its actually an artform!

Being an authority is Capricorn. It works dam hard to be professional and knowledgeable. Years of study, mentoring, networking and workshops. You will not find many other signs willing to go all out to be the best.

The shadow side of Capricorn

Capricorn energy is earthly and practical. Not emotional.

Emotions can be hard to connect with, frozen and not factored and emotions are what makes us human.Who wants to intimacy with a person that struggles with tears or vulnerability? The opposite sign is Cancer (all emotional).

Capricorns hold - their emotions and depth, their fears and insecurities. They do this because they want to be seen as competent and that they can handle themselves. Respect is important. They can handle that. They prefer control and discipline.

Tears and emotional displays are their nemesis. They feel out of control and unable to naturally connect unless of course they 'do the work' in this space. This is the energy of crystallisation, repression, restriction and delay. Remaining with the outworn. Holding what really needs to come out. Dealing with challenge after challenge.

I have my Venus in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra - what's delayed? Relationships.

The challenges? They're married/unavailable, have responsibilities, have other goals, can't say how they feel.

If you have planets in Capricorn, you might find a delay and challenge associated with them.

If Venus, like me, you could have a fear of rejection, or find it hard to be fragile and let others

support you. A moon in Capricorn is emotionally mature and requires a daily goal. Emotional breakthroughs can be delayed.

Depression is another Cappy trait. Seeing life through the reality lens can be despairing.

and dreams might not be grounded, but they sure as hell soften things up and help us believe that more is possible.

New moon square the nodal axis (Libra and Aries)

I mentioned in my December teaser video that this moon is a BIG deal as it's squaring the collective nodal axis. The nodal axis consists of a north and a south node, exactly opposite at 180 degrees. The south node is where we are comfortable and at ease. The north node is where we are drawn to learn and develop so we can evolve.This is more true of our natal north and south nodes. With the transiting nodes its on a larger, collective scale.

We are all being asked to move towards Aries - to initiate based on our instinctual desires, to have the freedom to act, to stand up for ourselves and fight our corner. To be courageous and brave. To jump in!

To lessen the Libra tendencies of indecision, doing what others want and suppressing your own desires, choosing harmony to keep the peace instead of rousing a debate and letting yourself be heard. With the new moon in Capricorn, the t-square to the north node in Aries and south node in Libra creates friction. It serves as a crossroads between people pleasing and setting out on your own path. If you have been supressing then tap into the Aries to use your instinct and courage to move away from judgements and conditioned

environments that do not align with who you are.

Chiron in Aries conjunct collective North Node

To add spice to the soup (or should that be fuel to the fire?), the asteroid Chiron is in a five degree conjunction with the North Node and thus also squaring the new moon in Capricorn.

Chiron refers to our deepest wound (based on the mythological story of Chiron the Centurion). The Aries wound is the wound of self, like you don't belong or shouldn't exist. It can also be the pain of not initiating and not acting on your instincts! There is a need to heal this wound before we progress as a collective. This is a strong call to go inward and listen to our desires and drives, to notice where we may feel incomplete or have a lower sense of worth. Pay attention to the house in your chart that Chiron is transiting, for more understanding of where the wound will be apparent.

Let's look at the chart

  • Capricorn deep dive

  • Conditioning (culture, family), pressure to conform

  • The nature of judgement

  • Goals, ambition, career

  • Awards, accolades,

  • Authority, government and governance

  • Repression, suppression, restrictions, constrictions, delays

  • Cool, level-headed, practical

  • Serious, mature, prepared to work hard, commitment (long-term)

  • respect, traditional approach

  • Maintaining the status quo

  • Challenging circumstances

  • Time and aging

  • Containers (such as the skin), bones, spine, teeth, arthritis, osteophorosis

What else is happening

Sextile to Neptune

Sextiles show where potential. Positive, but we have to work for it. Neptune in Pisces speaks to me of boundaries. Consider boundaries with parents, partners, friends and work colleagues.

  • Where are you backing down or siding with others as you feel its the way you should be / it should be done?

  • Where do you feel you are being overloaded or overwhelmed or cutting others a better deal?

These are boundary themes.

Neptune can challenge Capricorn's control by allowing. This is a allow and let God aspect and asks that you see what manifest, while still planning. Remain a little adaptive.

Ask yourself

Take a look at where the cardinal signs are in your chart, around 17 - 23 degrees of Capricorn (conjunction), Libra and Aries (square) and Cancer (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

  • Where do you feel pressured to follow your desires, but held back by conditioned thoughts and behaviours?

  • Where are you allowing others to dictate instead of standing your ground on what you want?

  • Let your desires lead and step out. It's time to go for what you want. The response of others could be far from you think.

Not sure how to navigate this cross-roads or how to plan? Contact us for a heart to heart.


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