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Ice becomes water - Full moon at 11 degrees , 18 mins Capricorn, 03 July 2023

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

This month's full moon at 11 degrees 18 mins Capricorn has a goal and a desire to challenge itself to climb a high mountain. The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the sea-goat. It can swim and it can stand steady at sharp inclines... BUT it is impeded by the bi-physicality (half good at both tasks). Capricorn at its best can take on any block and master it. It knows how to commit long-term. It's pragmatic, dutiful and wise. With maturity, it can take on any responsibility in a nonchalant manner. Easy. And it achieves. Despite feeling rejected, thrown down by failure, being cooly detached emotionally and more interested in socially--acceptable norms. It will achieve.

Capricorn's nemesis is feeling. This goat is prize-driven and emotions are just ewww messy and distracting and weighty. Best to keep things calm, stable, plain as day. Be cool. Be unaffected. Be controlled.

This full moon is set to crank open Capricorn's feely side. Yes, there could be dramatic ugly tears. Yes, there may well be one humdinger of a failure (in the cancer department). My god yes, that iron control could crumble. It won't be pretty. But under the cool facade, we have felt the hidden warmth of passion. The fire of desire and the depth of depths that has been secure for far too long. Capricorn isn't unfeeling; just frozen through conditioning. It longs to be free and express. Just don't reject this new-found fire or tell them its wrong. It isn't.

The opposition of sun and mercury combo warrants a mention.

Oppositions can be stuff that happens from the outside or involving other people.

Who or what is going to 'break' the dam?

For our dearly loved Capricorns (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Asc) come in...come on. You CAN hug. Let it go. Talk it out (Mercury) and allow yourself to say how you feel. It's just another thing to master and you are a 'can do' person.

Jupiter is trining this moon and that's a blessing. Jupiter expands the emotion and lets it radiate joy. It's freedom, its consciousness - you're going to grow (Another cappy word).

Deep dive Capricorn

  • Achievement, success, ambition, career, goals, accolades and awards

  • Leader, manager, in charge, top down

  • Challenges, blocks, barriers, hard work

  • Delays, restrictions, constrictions

  • Society, conditioning

  • Wisdom, maturity, responsibility, duty

  • Old age, older people, growth

  • Bones, teeth, spine

  • Crystalisation, frozen states, cool, practical, grounded

  • Rejection, failure, depression, contemplation

  • Traditional, outworn

What else is happening?

Neptune is now retrograding in Pisces and Pluto is back at the aneretic 29th degree of Capricorn.

Pluto in cap will destroy what is outworn. Not a failure; a release for change.

Take a look at your chart and see what planets and points you have at 7 - 15 degrees of the cardinal signs (Capricorn (conjunction), Cancer (opposition), Libra (square) and Aries (square).

What houses are these in?


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