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I see me - New moon at 14 degrees, 23 mins Cancer on 5th July at 22:58 UK

Updated: Jul 25

Water. Cardinal. Feminine. Ying.

How we experience this new moon in sensitive, mood-changing Cancer will much depend on how we respond to emotional cues. Comfort and security are Cancer must haves. They crave emotional openness and connection, feel secure around family and focus on the homestead.

A Cancer new moon seeds a time for us to go within and look squarely at our psychological foundations that have created the person we are. Our ego-centric make up. Our upbringing. It asks us to allow emotion in, to share with our families, to consider our private lives and to question how secure and comfortable we are presently.

Ruler of Moon in Cancer

Cancer is ruled by the moon, and carries all the traditional traits of mothering, nurturing, bonding, providing and protecting. This is your home-made apple pie, well-worn slippers, hugging tightly and showing your vulnerabilities. Literally how you express care.

Square to the collective nodal axis at 10 degrees Aries and Libra

As a special treat, the new moon will square the nodal axis pertaining to our collective past and future. This is akin to the cross roads and we are caught between independent, instinctive action or people-pleasing, compromise. An art with the nodes is to look at the way of growth, expand this and then blend with the south node. What this means in practice, is to use the new moon to travel inwards and the north node as a directive for this energy.

  • What are our truest instincts and desires?

  • Can we utilise these to provide self care?

  • Have we been over-concentrating on others and neglecting ourselves?

  • Can we reflect on the care given as children and how this can be effective

  • in our lives or evolved to fit us now?

New moon sextile Mars at 19 degrees Taurus

The energy of Mars in Taurus is planting, building and sustaining. Steady paced, physical action. Mars happens to be conjunct Uranus(although it's a little wide to be

sextile the moon). However it will impact Mars, making it more reactive and not quite as deliberate or intentional. It can be utilised to update your home or do something spontaneous with your partner/family.

Let's look at the chart

Deep dive Cancer

  • Ego self, How I see myself

  • Psychological foundation (inner self)

  • Mothering, caring, protecting, nurturing, providing (self and others)

  • Feeling safe and secure, comfort

  • Home, roots, homeland, ancestry, family, early home life, adult home

  • Sensitive, shy, emotional-led, emotionally intelligence, vulnerable

  • Smothering, crabby, moody, retreating, needy, dependant

  • The breasts, chest and stomach

What else is happening

Venus at 22 degrees Cancer sextile Uranus at 25 degrees Taurus. Venus in Cancer is warming up relationships - more emotional sharing and caring, more family time and more neediness. You might find yourself asking for hugs at this time.

Three planets in Retrograde: Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius, Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces Saturn at 19 degrees Pisces

Planets in retrograde signal for us to go inward and over old ground. Pluto will soon re-visit the 29th degree of Capricorn, bringing one final challenge to bear before transporting us into the future (without a backward glance).

Take a look at where the cardinal signs are in your chart, around 11 - 17 degrees

of Cancer (conjunction), Libra/Aries (square) and Capricorn (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Ask yourself

  • About your private life - is it one you desire?

  • Are you as independent as you could be?

  • Can you reflect on the care given as children and how this can be effective

  • in your life or evolve to fit now?

Feeling in need of a chat? Book a reading with us.


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