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How immortals die - Pluto goes direct at 27 Capricorn on 11 Oct 2023

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

What is death, but a mere transition between states.

Every butterfly rebirths through transition.

Death we fear, but death is an illusion of our senses. And still, our senses are real.

So we believe in death.

I ask you, if you believed in immortality, would you be more willing to kill? The answer is a moot one. We live in the unknown; fearing the transition that the butterfly must conquer. He alone is an immortal who has tasted death.

As Pluto completes an annual five month retrograde (from 1st May 2023 from 00°21 Aquarius), he stops ready to move direct on 11th October 2023 @ 27 degrees Capricorn. On his underworld travels, he briefly shifted into the sign of Aquarius to give us a taste

of freedom, before skulking back to Capricorn for one final kill. You see, death is what Pluto does best. As ruler of the underworld, the shadow, all that is un-uttered, secret and emotionally held - Pluto as a reputation for being the most feared of all in space. If we could only look at him through the lens of the butterfly, we would see that dying is simply a process. What is outworn must go. What has passed its sell by date, must be thrown away.

What leaves; creates space.

Think of Pluto as the flowers in Autumn. They dry out and die until Spring-time. Then the new shoots regenerate life and rise above the soil. We don't see this, but we trust it. It's an ever-present cycle.

During Pluto's retrograte motion, each individual has been called to Pluto territory.

To consider what must die within us. Much will depend on where Pluto has been retrograding in your natal chart. This process is painful, emotional and psychological. If Pluto has been aspecting any natal planets, then what these planets represent, has been missiled.

  • Sun - Identity, power source

  • Moon - Ego, emotional needs

  • Mercury - Communication, thought processes, local community

  • Mars - Desires, sexuality, freedom to explore self

  • Venus - Relating (self and others), values, finances, attraction

  • Jupiter - belief systems, culture

  • Saturn - Structures, responsibilities, restrictions

  • Uranus - Liberation, rebellion, innovation

  • Neptune - Transcendance, illusions, GOD

Personally, my natal Venus took the brunt of the massacre. In Capricorn, it retained the

outer calm and capable polish, but inside there were no survivors. Pluto is great at keeping things locked down.

Pluto, our soul and evolutionary path

Pluto - like all planets, has a good side. He's our soul. Evolution. Where we are most empowered. Spiritual development. He is resilience, tenacious in spirit. In love, Pluto bonds with all he is. He is prepared for perilous challenges and traumas and will hold on and emotionally replenish a partner. His love is deep, honest and soulful. He has the gift of empathy due in part to claiming his own badges of honour. You usually find that those with strong Pluto/Scorpio placements/8th house planets have gone through painful traumas like addictions, betrayals, deaths, war. They are au fait with the dark side of life and can be light in the dark companions IF transformed and self-aware.

While he does bring death. He can also regenerate and rekindle if it produces more power.

He only takes what must die. Everything else can be brought back if truth is present.

As Pluto settles stationary direct (SD) at 27 degrees Capricorn, its strength is palpable.

Time to take action. It is ready to fire the final shot, clear the bodies away and wipe the blood from your boots. What died must be buried. What has been transformed has regenerated. This filthy mess must be purged, but never forgotten. Pluto's changes are permanent and yet forever felt.

Pluto themes

  • Soul connection / evolution

  • Depth, intensity, soul desire, emotional

  • Secrets, things unsaid

  • Power and control (Misuse, giving away, power plays, enpowerment)

  • Obsession, over-absorption, stalking, vigilance, observation, distrust

  • Analysis (with Virgo), detective behaviour, psychological empathy, psychic ability

  • Manipulation (emotional, psychological)

  • Betrayals (Sexual (affairs), emotional, spiritual)

  • Taboos, sexual impulses (especially darker styles like BDSM, pornography, bondage), the genitals

  • Underground activities (crime, dealing)

  • Psychological contemplation - insecurities, fears, death, loss, trauma / Psych therapy

  • Shared resources and those given by others (alimony, taxes, loans, inheritances)

  • Penetration, laser focus, bottom line, black and white thinking

  • Genetics, DNA, Cancer

  • Genocide, war (with Mars), earthquakes (with Uranus), volcanic eruptions, bombs, famine


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