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GOD 'Found' in Destination Unknown - New moon at 20 degrees 40 mins Sagittarius on 12 December, 2023

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Fire, mutable, masculine (energy outwards), yang

Cosmic seeker Sagittarius likes to play the long game.

The arrow whistles through the air at top speed landing in a distant destination unknown.

Just the way our centurian likes it. He's able for any journey. The exploration. The terrain.

While some may comment that he breezes through life with little regard, that is not the true

nature of Saggitarius... not by a loooong shot. This guy is smart - culture smart... nature smart

and cosmology smart. His journeys are as much about the scenery as they are about the mind. You see - each adventure for a Sag is about seeking horizons new, philosophising on life's sacred moments and expanding consciousness. Associated with long journeys is apt; there is a savouring in the lazy swagger, a slow chewing of thought that allows for a more satisfying digestion.

As planet Jupiter is Sagitarrius's ruler, go big or go home might be a favourite mantra. Big laugh, big smile. Big thoughts. There's positivity in those strides. Good fortune at every bend. Mutable fire signs are used to quick maneuvers while allowing the embers of passion to glow ever brighter.


While it may seem that Sag is simply the jolliest fellow, there are some drawbacks. The absurdities of life are channelled through humour; falling short of covering up the reality. And big smiles are fine, until they trick you into believing the fibs and exaggerated stories. And who could find fault in seeking adventure after adventure... after adventure... after... you get the idea. At some point the unknown must be known. The journey over and the prize savoured as keenly as each step to get there. In conclusion, Sag has to pause between seeking to find what he didn't even know he was looking for.

Let's look at the chart

Sagittarius deep dive

  • Exploration, adventure, journeying, seeker

  • Natural laws, cosmology, philosophy, metaphysics

  • Long distance travel, mind travel - learning, teaching

  • Culture, religion

  • Freedom, open spaces

  • Consciousness expansion

  • Good fortune, good luck, happiness and joy, humour, honesty

  • Clumsiness (caused because Sag is where the 'arrow' is!)

  • Thighs, sciatic nerves

What else is happening

Wide Conjunction with Mars in Saggitarius

Mars is still close enough to this new moon (7 degrees away) to bring in an awareness of desire. Both Mars and Sagittarius resonate to the frequency of freedom. Both like to 'move'. Mars perpetually discovers newness, which again Sagittarius is au fait with. It's a nice alliance, bar Mars square to Juno, which could indicate a solo journey.

New Moon Ruler Jupiter in Taurus

With new moon ruler Jupiter in retrograde at 6 degrees Taurus, we might be able to apply some semblance of grounding. Perhaps this journey will lead to a more self-sufficient place or Sag is planning to lay down roots. It might cause more of a plod than a bounce. Jupiter expands the sign it's in and Taurus expresses a fondness for the earth, for security, being resourceful and physically building. Suddenly the epic adventure feels much more serious.

Square Neptune in Pisces

And then we have Neptune in a square at 24 degrees Pisces. It's this aspect that leads me to believe that GOD is going to be the 'surprise' destination. Now GOD is a broad term that links to belief systems (Sag) and opens us to an awareness of the divine, the creator, the universe and the source of all things. It's the ultimate, the unreachable,

the perfect, the ideal. With Sag already wired into philosophising, intuiting and connecting with natural laws, along with religions - GOD don't seem that far fetched. Sag will need to conquer a few mirages in the dessert en route though as Neptune

can be tricksy in a square aspect. Illusions, a questioning of reality, an unplanned party (complete with booze and drugs)??? Its up to our brave and passionate traveller to decide who is friend or foe and what is worth seeking out. As Neptune is more about subtleties and symbols, being open to these will help guide and shape the path. Trust.

Ask yourself

  • Do you feel a need to jump on the open road (in your head or physically) to seek a new outcome?

  • Are you itching for freedom and alone time to explore horizons new to ground and plan forward?

  • Do you feel pulled to an unknown destination of a spirtual kind - one that is simultaneously confusing and beckoning?

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 16 - 24 degrees of Sagittarius (conjunction), Pisces and Virgo (square) and Gemini (opposition).

Not sure where this new moon will be in your chart? Create a chart.

This is where you will
  • Feel a pull to explore to expand yourself

  • Feel a need for freedom and adventure

  • Want to learn or teach others

  • Discover the truth!

  • With the square to Neptune - need more clarity or require GOD/Universe to guide your path

Before you pick up that rucksack, lets meet up under the stars and mind-explore - Book a reading with me.


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