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Fireworks in a tunnel: New moon at 18 degrees, 2 mins Taurus, 8 May 2024, 03:22am UK

Updated: Jul 25

Our new moon at 18 degrees and 2 mins of Taurus urges us to seek comfort and

stability, pleasure, values and quality. Taurus is the inner nature of Venus and survives with

simplicity. Taurus is safe. Values self sufficiently. It knows what it likes and doesn't like change. It is dependable, slow, easy, calm. It builds around itself, finding

comfort in the physical.

Taurus will literally close itself off from new experiences and hunker down to survive, thus

limiting its own evolution. Its like a well or a tunnel.

This month's Taurean new moon is in a conjunction with Uranus and its ruler Venus. This bodes well for self esteem, body pleasures and sudden social invitations. It also stimulates Uranus in Taurus - Earth changes, unpredictable weather, emerging ideas for food production, humanistic focus. In fact it might well be the unexpected firework up Taurus's rear end...... y'know, to get things moving.

Uranus loves change, rebellion, opposing, shocking and inventing. Those who have been enjoying their familiar comforts might find this new moon deliberating. There could be a push from predictability and dependency or independence (independence being Uranian and dependency being the opposite which Uranus also achieves through rebellion). Either way, change is a requirement - whether its self-initiated or life-forced.

Fireworks in a tunnel!

Let's look at the chart

Deep dive Taurus

  • Self sufficiently, self esteem, comfort, stability

  • Food, crops, production

  • Building, physical, practical, earthly

  • Pleasure, sensuality, enjoys the good life/quality

  • Values and finances

  • Possessions, buildings, acquisitions, finances

  • The body, neck

What else is happening

Stellium in Taurus and Aries

We have a double stellium for this new moon.

North node, Chiron and Mercury in Aries which aids in initiation,

trail-blazing, pioneering and action.

Venus, Sun, Moon, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus favours the earth, the physical

environment, crops/food production, stability and finances.

Pluto has turned retrograde in Aquarius

Pluto has switched direction and so this energy will now be inward. It will move

from 2 degrees Aquarius to 29 degrees Capricorn to tie up unfinished business

in society, structures, laws, policies and judgements.

Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces

Neptune is in the aneretic degree, expanding spiritual awareness, sacrifice,

keeping secrets, miracles, synchronicities and emotional connection. The 29th degree of Neptune is the culmination and epitome of Pisces.

It's an eclectic combination with Taurus maintaining comfort, Uranus forcing change,

Aries pushing for the new and Pluto in Aqua pulling back until it reaches Capricorn.

This is the second month of intense aspects, propelling all of humankind forward.

Take a look at where the fixed signs are in your chart, around 14 - 22 degrees

of Taurus (conjunction), Aquarius and Leo (square) and Scorpio (opposition).

you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Ask yourself

Where have you been overly comfortable?

Where have you closed yourself off to change?

What will shock or excite you to move forward/change?

Need a quick reading? Give us a shout


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