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Finding 'meaning with' Nemo - Full moon at 4 degrees 51 mins Gemini on 27 November at 09:16 UK

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

On the 27th November at 09:16 UK time, we have a full moon at 04 degrees and 51 minutes Gemini, the sign of the twins. The sun will be in the opposite sign of Saggitarius.

Full moons are culminations, completions and peaks - so have a think back to 18th June 2023, when we last had a moon in Gemini, as you read on.

Mercury aligns with the linear left brain and Sagittarius the right brain.

Gemini is the outward function of Mercury, shaping how we think, communicate, extract data and categorise. Gemini is opinions, news, media, writing, talking, though processing. It learns through data extraction. Sagittarius learns through philosophical thought, through intuition of truth in natural laws.

Gemini asks, thinks, learns.

Sagittarius ponders, knows, grows.

Gemini takes in information and Sagittarius gives that information meaning.

This is the strength of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Constant searching precludes finding,

but if your search leads to a meaningful focus, it is successful.

Think about Nemo, the fish that was so far from home, who had an epic oceanic adventure.

All of his interactions expanding his consciousness (they don't tell you this in the film).

Suddenly his life has meaning after his escapades.

Gemini shadow

Gemini is known to be adaptive but not very committed. Mutable signs are adept at shifting, although they lack the focus to fully stabalise. Gemini is restless physically as well as mentally and can jump from one thing to another, dependent on what catches its attention. I know a Gemini Ascendant when they ask 'and whats that' but before you can answer 'And whats that?'..... sigh. Your focus needs more focus!

The nervous system activity is heighten, leading to a peak in anxiety and stress which

can lead to a red alert for cortisol levels. The mind can swim in concentric circles, wearing itself out and you can become mentally exhausted; overwhelmed with information that has no direction.

Let's look at the chart

  • Gemini deep dive

  • Communication and how we communicate

  • Thinking and mental processing

  • The search and assimilation of information

  • The media / social media

  • Siblings

  • Short journeys

  • The messenger and messages

  • Ideas

  • Writing, reading

  • Restlessness (With Mars)

  • Dexterity and agility

  • Nervous System (with Uranus) and hands

Ruler Mercury at 24 degrees Sagittarius

Mercury is in the opposite sign, reinforcing the act of attributing meaning to what we

think and find. There's a mindset of adventure, like Jones

What else is happening

Sun conjunct Mars @ 2 degrees Sagittarius

The sun in Sagittarius is aligned with Mars, which was present during the new moon in Scorpio on 13th November in Scorpio. Do you remember what we said then?

Same applies - Mars is action, desire, instinct and in Sag it's a desire to explore, travel, learn, teach, give meaning and expand consciousness. This is a purposeful act with Sun conjunct. Actualisation and action are aligned.

Now for a bit of cloud on your sunny sag day (Jupiter is joy after all)....

Moon square Saturn at 0 degrees Pisces

Is that a rain cloud? Best break out the colourful umbrella. Saturn can be a royal stick in the mud when Gemini is soley focused on searching and Sag is solely focused on philosophising. Unless you learn to work with him. And by work I mean..... WORK.

You got some growing up to do guys.... so whatever you're extracting and thinking and

learning - you're going to need to apply it to gain the wisdom and the maturity within it.

With Saturn now direct in Pisces that maturity will be gained through the permeable membrane that is Pisces. The usual Saturn boundaries are walls of sand in Pisces... which might work in your favour. Allow your journey to become you.

Ask yourself:

  • What have you been searching for and do you feel close to finding?

  • Is there a call to adventure in your life?

  • Do you sense the undertone of joy that is inherant in Mars in Sag that denotes action?

  • Is there a lesson in this search, like it has a deeper meaning and more weight?

Some things to consider:

  • Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 1 - 7 degrees of Gemini (conjunction), Pisces and Virgo (square) and Sagittarius (opposition).

  • Any planets here?

  • This is where you will be called to adventure and learning and meaningful experience

  • This is where you will expand

  • This is where your nervous system might explode, so breathe. The journey takes as long as it takes - its the significance that matters, not the speed.

Not sure where this new moon will be in your chart? Create a chart.

Let's be curious and philosophical together - message me for a heart to heart reading.

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