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Filling the void with the unknown - Full moon at 5 degrees 23 mins Virgo on 24 February at 12:31 UK Time

Updated: Mar 21

Earth, Mutable, Feminine (energy inwards), Ying.

At this full moon (5 degrees and 23 mins of Virgo), we are culminating/completing a cycle in the sign of Virgo. The archetype of Virgo is the second most perplexing after Pisces. It is deemed a transitional sign, between the ego-centric Leo and the sign of partnerships Libra.

With Virgo, the ego-self is lowered and humbled to prepare for relationships.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury as Gemini. Gemini extracts data and Virgo analyses the data. This makes Virgo a pretty cool analyst, detective and anomaly ninja. If you want to know what you've done wrong, Virgos have tally'd your errors and will present them to you in deadpan detail. This they also do to themselves every day. With Virgo, perfection is an aim and falling short equals guilt (which must be atoned for), shame, inferiority and lack. No other sign will wrack itself with the negative chatter stick as much as a Virgo. Squeaky clean is all about exactness and precision. Reminds me of Black Swan, the white swan enacting in technical detail and the lazy movements of the black swan seducing the audience.

This ability to self-analyse and use mental discernment is designed to lead to self-improvement. One of Virgo's outstanding qualities is betterment. Accessible from crisis. Health, mind-body connection and physical activity are all healthy and fulfilling for Virgos.

Virgo's love being useful and good at what they do. They know how to work and are usually quite comfortable with repetitive tasks or deeply involved work. Processes and orderly procedures are very Virgo.

Being in service is important for Virgo. This is not the self-love of creativity and drama that Leo is. Virgo serves beyond and above itself.

The Shadow side of Virgo

Nit-picking and never quite good enough chitter chatter are hard to bear when the voice is in your head day in, day out. The table must be clean, chairs painted, floor scrubbed, clothes mended, no spreadsheet or spelling mistakes. Humans make mistakes, but Virgo struggles with allowing anything less than perfection.

They hear critical feedback from everyone which can make relationships tough. It's one thing to be self-critical and quite another to hear it from loved ones. Now, not all words are meant to be taken negatively and Virgo needs to allow healthy feedback to get to the self-improvement stage. A course is CBT is a great way to bring about a balanced mindset.

Guilt without a cause can lead to more mental pain, if Virgo doesn't question if any guilt is required.

The Dispositor Mercury is in Opposition

The Sun (5 degrees Pisces) and Mercury (2 degrees Pisces) are conjunct this moon, motioning for a Piscean victory. Pisces loves flow, disorder, the unknown, trust in the universe, creative chaos. Not really Virgo's bag, but at least they both value health and healing. If Virgo is to be healthy, then healing the imperfections will be less about reforming and more about saying 'fuck it', let the stain stay on the top or the chip on the door. Be the Black swan for a change.

With Mercury in Pisces, you must let yourself off the hook. Flow a while. Beauty isn't exact, it's in intention and the heart. I see here Virgo easing away from pure head (thinking) and expanding the heart space like Pisces. A retreat or quite space to sit and be, instead of all this doing and hyper activity. Healing happens when we calm our minds and bodies and reach tranquility. The spiritual domain of Pisces is transcendence. It's a loose, hazy feeling without detail.

Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn at 9 degrees Pisces

Saturn is a container and can crystallise the energies of Pisces in a concentrated fashion. Giving them form and structure and a physical appearance. What does that mean for Virgo moon? The vitality of the sun is about connection to all that is. Saturn grounds this energy within the self and Virgo's health can be healed from within the body. Saturn might be authority and restriction, but Pisces can easily win with Saturn as the form is unfixed and mysterious.

Let's look at the chart:

Deep Dive Virgo

  • Service, servitude, doing something more than for the self

  • Transitional, ego drop

  • Health, mind-body connection, active

  • Lack, less, lower, inferior, guilt, atonement, void, emptiness

  • Not good enough, negative mental chatter, over-analysing

  • detail driven, detective, discernment (this over this)

  • Work, colleagues, workplace, routine, tasks, housework, busy

  • Tidy, neat, clean, minimalistic, simple, purity, perfectionist, exacting

  • Self-improvement, self-betterment

What else is happening

Mars at 8 degrees conjunct Venus at 9 degrees Aquarius

The masculine and feminine meet in the zone of anything goes. Truth bombs, sudden attractions, instant relationships, a need to break away and do things differently. The desire for change will be strong and what attracts may be jumped on, but only if it has originality and an Einstein-mind.

Ask yourself

What unhealthy patterns you would like to change?

Where you're stuck in a loop of imperfection?

What needs to heal by allowing and switching off mental chatter?

What has reached a crisis and requires instant betterment (use Aquarius to think outside your norm)

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 2 - 8 degrees of Virgo (conjunction), Saggitarius and Gemini (square) and Pisces (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

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