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Evolution of the world - New moon at 20 degrees 40 mins Aquarius, 9 Feb 2024 at 22:58 UK

Fixed, air, yang, masculine (energy outwards)

Evolution of the species is continuous, however when we see progressive Uranus/Aquarius at any given time, we know that humanity is progressing at an accelerated rate. This is a quantum jump into space. It’s a reckoning with the higher mind of consciousness.

New moon square Uranus (ruler) at 19 degrees Taurus

With this new moon being square to its ruler Uranus in Taurus, it gives an extra ‘kick’. Uranus turned direct in January, so Taurean land,; that's natural resources, earth, crops, farming and finances are highlighted. A square can show a heated rebellion affecting any of these areas, forcing an independent offering that de-centralises from top down power groups.

We might see more independent financial offerings, pulling away from traditional banks.

With farming, alternative and tech-based techniques could be explored. New crop types.

Alternative resources could become mainstream, although we may be subject to scarcity first. Taurus deals with the weather too, so sudden extremes and lightning storms. We could invent ways to control the weather (geo engineering). This is in alignment with the Aquarian need to progress humanity for the better (climate change).

At a personal level there could be a tug between a need for new and a need for comfort.

A need to be seen for who you are.

Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius

Pluto ingressed into Aquarius in January (second time). The collective soul path now highly active. The Uranian themes increase tenfold, with special emphasis on psychological transformation. Pluto takes us into the shadow places/underworld and asks us to let go of what does not serve in order to transform (lead into gold). Psychologically-speaking, we will be more open, aware of sudden downloads and aha moments, nervous (as Uranus rules the nervous system with Mercury) and with the ability to use detachment for decision making.

Mercury is also in Aquarius at this time, awakening thoughts and communications in a similar way.

This line up eases us into an age of humanitarian clean up, robotics, AI, scientific breakthroughs, space travel and higher intelligence (Uranus co rules parts of the brain). We are in fact - becoming Prometheus. Logic, smarts, an impersonal view and an eagerness to involve anything novel are all interwoven into our evolution. Drawn to tech, intellectualism, the undiscovered and the novel, Aquarius is excitable and animated.

We are to expect individualism, activist behaviours, rebellions, and the courage to be authentic central themes. Being avant guard or slightly bizarre will be cool, sexual orientations may be explored more openly. Uranus is associated with community. networks and groups, so these will likely expand as we unite mentally.

Aquarian Shadow

The cool, detached nature of Aquarius is helpful when you need to step back and make an informed, balanced decision. Its fair, open to all options and once committed, fixed.

This melody can frustrate in intimate relations, where emotions fuel passion. Aquarius can filter those out. It cares for fairness, equality and all. Personal feelings are secondary.

Aquarius is unsual in that it is sudden and changeable but also a fixed sign. Aquarians do commit, but don't like to be hemmed in, told what to do or stuck. They will break out. For those that prefer a steady, comfortable relationship, this can be unsettling. For Aquarians its worse - they need that freedom like oxygen.

They can be so focused on 'out there' that they forget 'in here'. Present is a difficulty if you're always looking ahead.

Lets look at the chart

Deep dive Aquarius

  • Liberation, freedom, rebellion, uprising, awakenings

  • Break throughs

  • Humanitarian, world-focused

  • Aviation, flight, space travel, maverick

  • Cool-headed, logical, fair, equal, open

  • Individual, different, unique, weird, avant guard, maverick

  • Sudden, surprises, shocks

  • Inventor, scientist, tech, AI, robotics

  • Progressive, shocking, surprising, accelerated, lightning

  • Higher mind, higher self

  • Trauma (long term)

  • Brain, lungs, nervous system, respiratory system, calves

Look at where the fixed signs are in your chart for areas of progression and liberation.

Aquarius (conjunction), Taurus and Scorpio (square) and Leo (opposition).

Ask yourself

  • What needs to shift/progress from the traditional?

  • What might be accelerated at this time?

  • Are you being authentic and how can you accept your unique self?

  • Where may trauma be buried and in need of liberating from?

  • Can you form or join a group for a greater cause?

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Need help navigating your freedom? Contact us for a heart to heart.


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