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Electrifying! - Full moon at 9 degrees, 15 mins Aquarius, 01 August 2023 at 16:31 UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

The Aquarian temperment isn't overly emotive. It's value led.

Acts from the heart are driven to progress humanity and they do this best in mini tribes, catering to the needs of the many. While personal is not a word associated with Aquarius, their genius and their openness is certainly appealing. Aquarius is in the moment; exciting. It's daring and experimental.

This month's first full moon (of two) will be at 9 degrees, 15 minutes of Aquarius, sitting opposite the sign of Leo. As we are in Leo season, the roar of the lion will be keenly heard as the call of our hearts towards others. There is a synergy to them -

Leo creates, while Aqua connects.

Leo loves, while Aqua values.

Leo uses warmth and closeness, while Aqua uses logical and cool detachment.

Leo leads with heart and Aqua leads with it's head - both are crucial.

This month's Aqua moon might zap us with ideas, especially in ways of supporting people. Aqua energy is social. It likes how people tick. It observes and considers. We may feel a need to be part of something bigger that the Leo 'self'. To consider new ways of social interaction and how we can help others online or in person. While Aqua is known for not fitting in, today's society is exploring diversity in all forms and this Aquarian moon could be a helpful nudge towards greater human acceptance. Liberation and the freedom to be authentic.

A final word - Aqua and Leo are fixed signs. They don't budge easily. Change might be Aqua's go-to word, but in reality Aqua can be just as stubborn with ideas as Taurus is with

finances and quality. Fixed signs like what they like, so there could be a shocking discovery that beckons change as apposed to a conscious-led adaption. Just sayin'.

Let's look at the Aquarian themes in a deep dive:

Fixed, air, masculinine, yang.

Progressive, humanity, value-led, socialable, change.

Individualistic, unique, accepting of others, offbeat, unusual.

Aviation and futuristic travel, aliens and conspiracy theories.

Experimental, new, intellectual, scientific, experimental.

Breakthroughs, breakdowns, breakouts, rebellion, liberation, freedom, independance, space.

The nervous system, the brain, long term memory.

Sudden, erratic, unexpected, surprising, electricfying.

Cool, detached, distant, unemotional, trauma, excitable, deadpan.

What else is going on?

We have a semi sextile to saturn RX in pisces. Fairly low-key.

Venus is rx at at 26 degrees of leo which does tip the scales in the Leo direction.

Venusian energy craves connection with others. Its the sign of relating and partnerships, it prefers co-operation and fairness. RX motion can cause a discordance however, as the relating will be focused inward - self love, self values, re-evaluation of relationships.

In this case, the Aqua moon may jar into impersonal waters, but then again it could bring about some logical considerations missed previously.

We still have Pluto rx in Capricorn sqauring the transiting nodal axis in Aries (north) and Libra (south). The difference in this full moon is that the nodes have changed signs. Aries is the 'I AM' and Libra is the 'US'. If we add this to the venus retrograde, then we could predict a shift in relating.

  • Are we creating the right path for us as individuals as well as within partnerships?

  • Have we been led my our emotional needs and not by our deeper communal values.

  • Was the heart overtaking the head and leading us towards ill-conceived choices in regards to partners?

  • Where are we not being authentic and accepted for who we are?

Where is Venus retrograding for you? Add this to the full moon to see if these two areas are

converging into a space of culmination.

Venus is currently at 26 degrees leo and will continue to 12 degrees leo.

Look to where 6 - 12 degrees of the fixed signs are in your chart - Aqua (conjunction), Leo (opposition) and Scorpio/Taurus (Square).

Are you looking for freedom in a certain area (4th house - emotional, 7th house - relationships, 10th house - career)?

Where is authenticity needed for you?

Where does logic need to be applied or balanced with the heart choices?

Fancy a reading? Book a heart to heart.


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