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Einstein and mirror neuron minions - Full super moon at 27 degrees, 15 mins Aquarius on 19th August at 18:26 BST

Updated: Aug 2

This month's full moon could mass produce Einstein.

Checklist -

  • Moon in Aquarius (smart arse scientist, detachment)

  • Sun in Leo (special destiny, self-actualisation)

  • Square to Uranus (sudden, unexpected, breakthroughs, genius thinking)

It could just as easily equal Armageddon but ..... we won't feed that potential universe.

Many of the most skilled and respected astrologers have been touting the Aquarian age and human upgrade to 5D for a few years. Symbolically, Aquarius would fit the advanced being status, and with Pluto making its last Capricorn visit before moving through Aquarius for 20 years - we can see it play out long-term at a soul and psyche level.

This full moon is more than a tiny step; it's more like a giant leap in consciousness (for mankind. Thank you Armstrong). Aquarius/Uranus is the higher mind. It's progressive evolution. The nemesis of Saturn (maintain tradition/status quo). It acts to liberate from patterning by creating instability, boredom, unease and restlessness. It awakens our minds, thinks in novel ways and is unapologetically authentic.

Aquarius is the game-changer that rebels loudly, considers the greater good and strives to serve humanity. We are all equals. All human (for now) and all part of a collective oneness (hive mind). Why would we not band together and save the world! It is the visionary, that mentally forges a landscape of new, smart, unexplored progressions. The mad professor, the genius Einstein, the inventor that prefers things to people. Although Aquarius can be social, detachment separates Aqua from the pack to observe at a safe distance. Stepping in and bowing out for timely introductions. He works the floor intelligently, dancing to a beat only he hums.

Moon opposite Mercury (retrograde) at 26 degrees Leo

The higher mind (Aqua) and the lower mind (Gemini/Virgo) are in a tug-of-war aspect.

Mercury in retrograde is going over old ground related to Leo - creativity and what I create, romance and love, sense of importance, special destiny, children and play. Mercury is centred on the self and the needs of the individual. The Moon in Aqua creates groups, communities and networks. They are the power of many minds centred on a specific purpose. This is balancing a purpose to create for humanity with logic and passion. It's understanding that children belong to the world. It turns play into a viral exchange around the globe. Perhaps you have been mentally toying with a passion of yours; an activity imbued with creativity. Maybe you are ready to share your passion with others for the benefit of all. Re-think, re-chat, re-hash those thoughts and ideas.

Ruler Uranus squaring the full Moon at 27 Taurus (T square)

Uranus creates a T-square with Moon and Sun, resulting in a challenge between our purpose and our ego/emotional security needs. Collectively, we progress in science and tech at light speed, yet we are equally reminded that change is hard and it can happen TO US before we can sing the lyrics to Radiohead's 'Creep'. And, we must check in with our hearts. Leo is 100% heart-centric. Does the change feel good and is mentally sound?

The 'change' on a universal level is a collective upgrade. An awakening to the power of the people. A realisation that if we don't save this planet, then Musk will get his wish and whisk us all to Mars. Our brains are expanding and more dendrites are being created (another example of Leo (create), Mercury and Uranus (brain, neural pathways). So now that we are getting smarter, let's innovate our way towards a safer, healthier, better world.

Imagine Einstein multiplying and each person mirroring the other, all around the world. Uranus is after all the visionary!

Let's look at the chart

Deep dive Aquarius

  • Rebellion, liberation, freedom

  • Higher mind, higher self

  • Awakenings, quantum leaps

  • Space travel and aviation

  • Authentic, weird, oddball, unique, individual, independent

  • Social, observer, experimental, inventor, disrupter

  • Intellectual, creative, scientific, tech, AI, robotics

  • Different, smart thinker, excitable, instability

  • Electricity, lightning

  • Shocks, surprises, unexpected events, sudden changes

  • Humanitarian activities, social justice, equality

  • Detachment, cool-headed, logical, mental, visionary, genius, hive-mind

  • Alternative sexuality: pansexual, non-binary

  • Groups, networks, collectives, good for all approach

What else is happening

The second T-square: Venus at 18 degrees Virgo opposite Saturn (rx) at 17 degrees Pisces and squaring Jupiter at 17 degrees Gemini and Mars at 19 degrees Gemini

Our second T-square contains an opposition between Venus (values, finances, partnerships) and Saturn (restriction, delay, maturity, responsibilities) and has Jupiter and Mars at it's apex.

I'm seeing this as us taking responsibility and discerning the values that matter. Jupiter expanding Mars leading to global action and plenty of ideas and conversation. Saturn will relax the boundaries that limit positive action. There is a chance of criticism and pointing fingers with Venus in Virgo, so let's focus on the tasks at hands and all the minuscule details. Yes, Virgo aspires to perfection, but we are simply looking at

If we blend this with the full moon, you can see a collective clean up taking place. A swift movement to re-claim our humanity. Doing the hard work for the greater good. It's all in there.

Ask yourself

  • Do you feel a sudden urge to use your brain to help a common cause like climate change, inequality or homelessness?

  • Have you been working on an idea, but pushed it aside and are considering re-thinking it to carry it forward?

  • How can you build connections and establish a hive-mind for a project?

  • Are your values re-shaping?

Take a look at where the fixed signs are in your chart, around 24 -29 degrees of

Aquarius (conjunction), Scorpio and Taurus (square) and Leo (opposition).

Struggling to balance your head and heart? Book a reading with us.


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