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Dream a little dream of me - New Moon at 21 degrees 58 minutes Virgo 15 September at 1:39am UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Virgo season continues with a new moon at 21 degrees, 58 minutes in the sign of rumination and critical analysis. The inadequacy of Virgo is illuminated by two things -

One - it's ruler Mercury is also in Virgo and was stationary retrograde at this degree on 24th Aug, giving it added emphasis.

And two - the new moon is opposite Neptune in Pisces.

What was happening for you on 24th Aug as you are likely to be re-visiting whatever came up that caused you to feel doubtful, inferior, vexed or less in some way.

Neptune opposing (see chart) is causing us to view where we wish to be. As per the Pisces full super moon, we are still drilling down on why we are not living the dream, not perfect yet and not

quite where we need to be. Virgo nit-picks, doubts and over-analyses while gazing frownably at gentle, flowing Neptune, screaming 'internally' How do I get to you?

While this can be infuriating, it can work as a guiding light. The new moon here can seed that dream and once it figures out how to get there, it can do the work. Hold on tight Virgo brain, the devil as always is in the detail and you'll figure things out. Try to smile (see pic above, God he's a cutie). The dream isn't dead.

See the Pisces Supermoon post for more insights on how the Virgo/Pisces energies may present for you and where further analysis is needed.

Dreaming the dream just an't cutting it at the moment and and so the screaming continues and the dismantling and the agonising. Its justifiable if you're considering chucking in the towel. Negativity can be taxing and tiring. Yearning can be painful.

Deep dive on Virgo

  • Thinking, analysing, detailed work

  • Discerning, aim for perfection, lack, inferiority, exacting, void

  • Critical, analysis, rumination, dismantling and improving

  • Engineering, accountancy, work with our minds and hands, analytical work

  • Service, humbling, humility, giving to others

  • Health, nutrician, gut, microbiome, fitness, symapthetic and parasympathetic nervous system

  • self-improvement, preparing ourselves for social relationships

What else is going on

The sky is abundant with retrogrades and this can add further stuckness which hardly helps. Retrogrades pull the energies inward and force us to sift through our prior thoughts and actions, so that we can pause before moving forward.

If smoke is coming out of your ears, then you may wish to tap into the Uranian mind, trine at 22 Taurus (see chart) - and cool down your thinking. Applying some logic might not fix the problem, but it could at least explain why something isn't working. And let's be honest, logic can be a balm when you're spinning your wheels. Uranus is unexpected which could indicate a few ideas yet to be considered.

We have six planets in earth signs, and only Mars in an air sign. Earth energy is practical, steady and above all - enduring. Grounding where we are might be the best thing for the moment. In fact, holding might be a real lifeline. We can hold for a bit longer right?!

Sooooo breathe. Sit with it. Ground out for a bit. Rome wasn't built in a day. Allow yourself some time to allow things to shift into place. Let Uranus do its work with a few lighting insights. Let Venus (now direct - see chart) in Leo give you the confidence to connect at your heart. The head can get where its getting to when its ready.

Look at where Virgo is in your chart and any planets in the mutable signs around 19 - 25 of Virgo (conjunction), Sagittarius and Gemini (square) and Pisces (opposition). Where are you feeling doubtful and lacking? Where is self improvement needed?

If the smoking brain is too much, contact us for a heart to heart.


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