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Bury your dead, but do it nicely - New moon at 21 degrees 7 mins Libra on October 2023 at 17:55 UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

New moon at 21 degrees, 7 minutes of Libra.

Cardinal, air, masculine, outwards energy.

Annnnnd in the polite corner we have Libra. The peace keeper. The diplomat. Please

don't rock the boat. Please don't ask for what you want. Libra only cares for

the middle ground. The co-operation point. Caring, while wearing a very stylish outfit, cause d'oh you may as well look attractive when you represent Venus (hello charmer!).

Venus-ruled Libra celebrates relationships and the 7th house in astrology.

Socially-adept, easy to chat to, agreeable and uber likable. The Libras of this world just know how to be with others. In fact, they know it so well, that they can be anxious when on their own, because independence is just not natural. They fair best in a duo. Ideally-suited to relationship roles like sales, they can charm the birds from the electric lines. They give with ease. They share with grace and they fall in with people like comfy slippers. Libras are attractive to others and listen to them wholeheartedly. They see from their perspective and others feel represented and considered. Friendly, amenable and lots of head nods.

Venus is a tri-ruler - relationships yes, but also finances and values. So all three are under the spotlight. Your relationship to money - how you perceive it, spend it, earn it. What you value in your life is often connected to what is worth most to you. Where Venus is in your chart is a place of value (4th = family and home, 10th = social standing, recognition and achievement, 1st = Your looks and self-expression, 8th = Business sense, psychological empathy).

Now for the shadow. Outward agreeableness can hide inner ugliness. The need to be liked

can overtake the need to be who you are. It's not that they are lying, it's more that they don't know what they want or who they are without being with others. They give and give and give and don't always receive. They pacify, pacify and pacify and end up sacrificing their own needs for others. Arguments are a no no. Boats must remain perfectly calm.

Libra likes things easy where everyone gets along and no'one causes a stir. Libras are the people referees. Referees are often in the middle of problems that they didn't create. So its the classic three-way situation. Sometimes Libra, you just gotta let the fight happen.

Oh and just because you didn't vent, doesn't mean you're not angry. Where does the anger go??

With finances, are you fair in your dealings or do you cut others a better deal? Are you fixated on money or couldn't care less? Do you over spend or curb buying luxuries?

With values, are they changing as you age and experience life? Do you value honesty, your skills, your partner, your good health, your smarts?

Let's take a look at the chart

Deep dive on Libra

  • Social relating - meeting a diversity of others

  • Relationships, partnerships, long-term contracts

  • Cooperation, harmony, balance

  • Needs of others, understanding the viewpoints of others

  • Giving and listening

  • Vacillation, indecision

  • Diplomacy, justice, scales

What else is happening for this new moon in Libra

Ruler Venus

The ruler of this new moon is Venus at 5 degrees Virgo.

Virgo's forte is health, improvement and service. So the social emphasis is channeled towards service and doing for others. Relationships can benefit from some critical analysis towards betterment. Here is where relationships can benefit from some pruning and refinement. While Virgo can be nit-picky, it can also highlight where improvements can be made. Be diplomatic, but be clear on where to move to.

Mercury close by

Mercury is conjunct this new moon. Added to Venus in Virgo, there will be a lot

happening mentally. Great for thinking through the details and even better for

conversation that has a logical - yet co-operational tone.

Squaring Pluto and (still) and close to South Node (collective past)

This month's annular eclipse 'should' be as serene as a cloudless, windless day.

But not this one. That ongoing square to Pluto @ 27 Capricorn and collective south node bang on the eclipse is stirring up some serious black cloud action. Pluto growls from the deep and he won't be silenced.

Pluto is our soul. The unseen part of us that subtly plays puppeteer. Pluto is the bottom line. The truth serum. The ultimate. When Pluto plays, you either win or you die. Black and white.

Pluto is referred to as the 'trash man' because he removes the dead waste; buries it in the ground. Allows the bugs to gobble it up and then behold as death becomes life again.

Sorry - I had to get that in there with Halloween fast approaching... hehe

The square to Pluto in Capricorn affects this New Moon big time. It's heavy and dark and challenges us to consider a cross roads - as Pam Gregory states this theme is choice 'fear or love'? It's very much about empowerment and how we own our power.

Being close to the South Node is an indicator of removal. We refer to the transiting South Node as our collective past, but it encompasses what we already know well. When New moons or Full moons hit this point, the universe is asking us to deliberately let go of something we know well to open up to something new.

Opposing Chiron in Aries

The eclipse is opposing Chiron in Aries. Oppositions tends to be able others or

external events, so the challenge here is about standing up for ourselves, fighting for what

we want and about actioning what may feel painful, but ultimately healing.

Recent super moon in Aries

With the recent full super moon in Aries (sun in Libra), we are being asked to confront the LIBRA within us. This means our social skills, our likability, relationships and partnerships, long-term contracts, our ability to listen and see the side of others, out relating needs and patterns.

Look at where 21 degrees of the cardinal signs is in your chart, that's Libra (conjunction), Capricorn and Cancer (square) and Aries (opposition).

Some things to consider:

  • What house is it in? Does it aspect any planets?

  • This place can show where indecision takes hold or where you feel a need to co-operate, pacify or peace keep.

  • Where is fear leading and how can you transform (Pluto) this into love (Libra)?

  • With Pluto in the mix, where do you give away or own your power with others?

  • What structures need to 'die' within your relationships, values and financially?

If you're afraid to bury your dead, contact us for a heart to heart.


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