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Bold desire - Solar eclipse at 19 degrees and 23 mins of Aries on 8th April, 6:19pm UK

Two weeks after the equinox (Aries at 0 degrees), we have a new moon in Aries -

ripe for initiating change! Aries is the sign of action and getting things done.

With a conjunction to the collective North Node at 15 degrees, Chiron at 19 degrees, and Mercury in retrograde at 24 degrees, this won't be a calm new moon.

We set intentions with a new moon and any aspects to the moon will be impacted.

North node dictates an evolution, in Aries a new path, one we follow with instinct.

A desire for new passionate experiences. With Chiron in Aries we factor in the

wound of the identity/self/body. Who we are and how we fit. I'll talk more about these aspects below.Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, hence it represents innocence and childishness.

This is simply because Aries states plainly and bluntly what it consciously desires and expects

these desires to be fulfilled instantly. Patience and deep thought are not Aries traits.

Its verve is passionate, bold, direct, noticeable. Known as a warrior, Aries is fearless in a fight and never backs down. It conveys war, battle, competition and winning. Aries doesn't shy away from romance, it swoops in, tells you it wants you and fights with any adversaries. Loyalty isn't a strength, nor is building love, stability or security. Aries lives in the moment, it comes whether you are ready or not - it lives for the cut and thrust, the excitement of war, the thrill of sexual encounters and the beginning of a project that evokes palpitations. It is an independent sign, happy to initiate and spend time alone or create by itself. Courageous, brave yet not strategic like Pluto.

As the first sign, Aries is the 'self'. Who we are, how we present (along with the Asc

and planets in the first house). It has a need to 'act' on instinctive desires and to

explore the new in each moment. It's relationship to Pluto and the 8th house (as the

higher octave/frequency), entraps Aries as Pluto commits fully and Aries must have

freedom to follow desires. This can present as anger, frustration and explosive passion.

Let's look at the chart

Cluster pattern Aries, Pisces and Taurus

With a cluster pattern, we have a string of planets, asteroids and points close together, showing a strong focus of energy.

Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, Venus, North Node, Sun, Moon, Chiron and Mercury RX are in Aries and the Vertex, Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars in Pisces will cause our actions to be virtuous, noble, spiritual, compassionate, considerate of all, sacrificial or disappointing. Venus in Aries will affect social events, meeting people, values and finances. Think - fast, bold and desire-driven. Mercury RX is going over 'old' ground. It's rethinking what it desires most, conversing to make them happen and mentally mapping. Jupiter conjunct Uranus is expanding consciousness, upgrading our DNA, belief systems and technological breakthroughs. Both signs are global-focused, suggesting a unification for humanitarian good. In Taurus - security, stability.

New moon in Aries conjunct North Node in Aries

What we begin now has a lasting effect at a collective level. Courageous new ground, new doors opening, feeling braver to begin new experiences.

New moon in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries

As per the previous full moon, delving into our wounds is bound to come up. The wound of our identity and how we fit, the wound of courage and how we assert. The wound of deliberation as Aries usually just goes for it.

New moon in Aries conjunct Mercury RX in Aries

What have we been thinking or chatting about that is now a possibility?

Are we ready to finally get the ball rolling and just go for it?

Deep dive Aries

  • Self, who I am

  • anger, frustration, arguments

  • Instinctive, desire-driven, action, independence, asserting

  • Passion, ardent, sexual, direct, bold, attention-grabbing

  • Warrior, fighter, war, blood, attack, defend, competition

  • Initiate, fast, in the moment, fearless, unfiltered

  • Childish, innocent, sulky

  • The head, face

Take a look at where the cardinal signs are in your chart, around 2 - 8 degrees of Aries (conjunction), Capricorn and Cancer (square) and Libra (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Ask yourself

  • What have you put off that now requires action?

  • What are you re-thinking or discussing that can now be initiated?

  • Are you consciously aware of your passions and expressing them?

  • Can you remain compassionate and considerate while pursuing your passions,

  • chasing new desires and starting new projects?

Need help lighting the fire? We can help.


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